Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

I find the kits interesting. So far i have Offensive, Defensive and Shadow and i'm using Shadow currently on all of the classes.
ACE52 might look a dog on the stats, but the time/bullets to kill along with the low lateral recoil make it a killer, best engineering gun by far. Max distance and velocity dont really have any effects when you using a gun for engineering, close and medium ranges
Guys was the information disabled for the gun attachments? there is an (I) in the top right corner of any attachments that used to be clicked for extra info. Can someone help?
I disagree with the earlier muzzle break comment based on the following vid from Levelcap & trying it out myself. I previously stayed away from anything with major penalties to accuracy but it makes sense and works in practice.

I tried it last night and it certainly makes a difference on rifles and LMG's. Just used the starter LMG but guessing it would be good on guns with higher fire rates also.

Damn his score at the end, does he play on PC or console, guy is a beast.
All the ACE family of guns are great although in carbines the 21 beats the 52. That said if you loved the old pre nerf scar-h from BF3 the 52 is essentially the same.

Loving how some people are complaining about hit reg and are now mounting muzzle breaks, well you enjoy not hitting anything over 10mtrs. Well I'll post some numbers when i get home to show you how awful it is
I think reg is pretty good, for me at least. Not sure which gun is best but I love AK5C. Long distance sniping or close quarter combat. Have not tried ACE cannons yet, will get all battlepacks for AK5C first.

Guys which gun-setup is considered the best?

I use heavy barrel, stubby grip, tri beam laser, m145 (3.4) zoom planning to go x2 when unlocked
I've seen that a few times now, it appeared to happen when people have jumped out of the chopper, the rocket just goes around and around :confused:

Looks good tho :p

AK5C seems my mainstay atm shame it doesnt have burst tho

Same thing happens with the passive radar rockets, when a heli pops flares they do the same thing, spazz out going around and around.
How does one check for a memory leak?

I'll give you a sensible answer, which is you would know about it as your system will start locking up after a few rounds. You will drop down to 1-2 FPS and even coming out of BF4 won't stop it. Task Manager will show RAM at somethign stupid like 98% usage and you have to reboot to make it go away.

Load up BF4, rinse and repeat. Mainly 5 & 6 series AMD cards giving the problem but also some people with Nvidia.
LOL ^^^^^ that gave me the biggest laugh all day.

Ok best loadouts are...

Coyote - laser (gotta love the predator tri beam) - suppressor / compensator / heavy barrel - angled grip or the ergo if mainly hipfiring / firing while moving.

Best guns statistically are
Assault - ACE 23
Engi - ACE 21 / AKU on burst / beast mode 1000rpm
Support just use the ACE 21 carbine again, can't remember about LMG's
Sniper - SRR
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Picked up an m416 from an assault I just offed, pretty accurate gun, was dropping people relatively quickly compared to my engineer ak5, first time I've used another class besides engi.:o
I've used all the guns on a private unranked server and would agree for a lot of people the 338 is also a very viable choice. Bit frankly if you are sniping rather than playing aggressive with a carbine you should uninstall the game anyway :D
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