Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

LOL ^^^^^ that gave me the biggest laugh all day.

Ok best loadouts are...

Coyote - laser (gotta love the predator tri beam) - suppressor / compensator - angled grip or the ergo if mainly hipfiring / firing while moving.

Best guns statistically are
Assault - ACE 23
Engi - ACE 21 / AKU on burst / beast mode 1000rpm
Support just use the ACE 21 carbine again, can't remember about LMG's
Sniper - SRR

Thanks for that.
I personally don't like the coyote sight, easy to lose sight of the red dot sight. Much prefer the kobra sight still.

AK5c is probably my favourite weapon, such a beast, using silencer, kobra + stubby grip (I very rarely hip fire, only when extremely close up i.e. on operation locker)

Ace 52 is superb too and probably better than the ak5c statistically.

Ace 23, AEK and M416 are my go to assault weapons depending on the map.

Heavy barrel isn't that great and I don't use it on any gun.

Suppressor is nice too, don't find it affects the bullet velocity etc. as much as it did in bf3.

All just comes down to your play style and what you prefer.


will give the ace 21 a go.
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I've used all the guns on a private unranked server and would agree for a lot of people the 338 is also a very viable choice. Bit frankly if you are sniping rather than playing aggressive with a carbine you should uninstall the game anyway :D

what about playing aggresive sniping? :confused:

why do people always assume sniping equals camping :rolleyes:
what about playing aggresive sniping? :confused:

why do people always assume sniping equals camping :rolleyes:

because 9/10 times you see a sniper they are in a bush a mile away or on the highest roof top possible xD

and they seem to congregate in groups on one hill somewhere. Had a nice moment last night where myself and a mate were running on lancing dam towards....E I think from D and there were just two snipers on a rock completely oblivious so we did a simultaneous knife takedown....was sexual....

I'm trying to get the sniper points up for the unlocks and DMR, then I can run about a bit more like a mad man spamming all the bullets xD on bf3 loved the m417 or l96 with a holo scope, gave me that tiny bit of magnification so I could be effective at a bit of range too. loves it!
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They will almost certainly nerf the AKU's burst mode. I doubt they will nerf the AEK, it fulfills a role as do many BF4 weapons. There are really just awful guns in BF4 but I think most weapons are fit for purpose. Really looking forward to the return of the m16a3 <3
Anyone else feel that commander mode is a bit "bleh"? Just seems not a lot of people are making use of it on a lot of servers.
I worked that one out but it still does not stop be from doing it:D

but if you just click it once it will auto deploy.....but I know I spam it too.... something about if I'm doing something then it's clearly going to go faster than if I just sit there not clicking :p
Its like playing a crap version of c&c where your units can flip you the bird if they don't feel like doing what you tell them to. :eek:

Yeah. I used the command to direct your squad, sent them to disarm an M-Com, then i realised i only had 1 person...

It should be to direct your team.
Anyone else feel that commander mode is a bit "bleh"? Just seems not a lot of people are making use of it on a lot of servers.

Play commander when you have 9 guys in 2 squads with you on TS...Poor other team. BF4..helping you teamstack even better :D

But really teamstacking sucks, try to avoid more than a squad on TS in any game because steamrolling opposition and emptying servers in never fun....well...OK...sometimes it is but :P
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