We have every right to "whine"
beta and alpha ran a heck of a lot better:
superior netcode
stable after the wonder patch
no sound issues
helis felt far better to fly
Over a month a the game still isn't fixed or much improved since day 1 release yet during beta we received loads of patches and they actually fixed/improved things but of course DICE/EA need to keep up appearances so they got all their pre-orders where as now we are stuck with slow patches (which they said wouldn't be a problem before release, said they would release PC patches when they ready rather than waiting for DLC and consoles certification etc., didn't last long did it?) and they fix maybe 1-2 things out of 30+ problems and introduce another 5+ problems
game breaking bugs/glitches; one hit bug, audio problems, invisible walls and it isn't just an odd invisible wall here and there on only a few maps but loads and on every map. They are probably spending the majority of their time and money working on DLC i.e. for the first pc client patch, they just happen to accidentally release CR weapons......
premium nonsense so even though we all have china rising for pre-ordering the game, we have to wait 2 whole weeks till us "peasants" (sure as hell makes me and others feel that way) get access to DLC that we already have "access" to.......
battlelog for bf 4 is crap compared to bf 3 battlelog, tons of features missing, broken/buggy and crap UI (IMO)
poor quality DLC so far and second assault is just bf 3 maps (and crap maps too except for CB) with improvements (IMO caspian border looks worse though [although the hill area looks better])
One map has a vehicle spawn menu longer then half the frigging screen, dice didn't have a clue with what vehicles to use and just bunged them all on...
One map has 4x AA 3x attack choppers and 4 crappy useless ****ing stealth jets + a **** load more vehicles ...
It's just lazy map design plain and simple.
Some of the decisions with regards to vehicles and maps are mind boggling.
Who on earth thought having an attack boat on flood zone was a good idea, hardly any one to shoot at, you can't cap any flags, can't even get to D flag and
**** all room to move around, 95% chance that you bump into a tree, get stuck on something or get beached on a tiny bit of land and jets on dawnbreaker lololololol........
I am starting to detest this game, not so much because of the "game" but because of DICE and how they are going about with certain stuff i.e. premium, patching progress etc. Same reasons why I had a huge hatred towards BF 3 (although the game itself was
**** which didn't help matters i.e. suppression, blue filter, OP aircraft, crap map design etc.)
I wouldn't hold out much hope, just look at bf 3 and its DLC packs, imo all were awful except for AM and CQ.