Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~


If you want a real laugh with LMG's there is currently a glitch so that if you equip a bipod (works on any gun) you get the bipod accuracy bonus in passenger seats in heli's, boats, bikes etc.

lol that sounds fun :D

The M249 that you get from the SP campaign is identical, just so you know :D

I did wonder what the differences were. On Symthic's site there are marginal differences in recoil but overall nothing in it.
-Fixed some instances of frame rate drops when shooting at large Levolution objects after they have been destroyed (like the radar dish on Rogue Transmission)

They're kidding right? There are FPS drops all the time on this game, not just related to levolution. I only play 5v5 DOM and I'll sometimes drop down to 60/70 frames (on a OC 780), even when there's nothing happening.
[TFU] Thegoon84;25457949 said:
Hearing a lot of people lately saying their "bored"..... Think BF4 has flopped. Personally i'm finding BF4 mind numbingly boring

I think it's because we are pretty much playing BF3 with new maps... It's exactly the same game
I think it's because we are pretty much playing BF3 with new maps... It's exactly the same game

One thing I did notice that's very different in BF3, is that flashlight is like a nuke just went off 1cm away from my face.. And the sun looks like it just went into supernova.
-Fixed some instances of frame rate drops when shooting at large Levolution objects after they have been destroyed (like the radar dish on Rogue Transmission)

They're kidding right? There are FPS drops all the time on this game, not just related to levolution. I only play 5v5 DOM and I'll sometimes drop down to 60/70 frames (on a OC 780), even when there's nothing happening.

I had this too. Disabled Hyper Threading and now everything is perfect.
Been practising with jets on the test range with the proper control layout for a bit today so you better watch out westie, Joe etc. :D :p

But in all honesty, I still suck, thankfully nowhere as much lol. New control setup is FAR better, was able to go from drone to drone and take them out quickly with good enough accuracy

Really enjoyed the jets since switching to this new setup, I am afraid that I might become a jet whore as well now...... :o :p

As for more AA lol.............NO! :p

One good AA driver can already dominate an entire map, can easily get 40+ kill streak with that thing on every map, shreds aircraft to pieces and can take infantry out pretty damn well too.

yeah lol...thats why I use it :) l
think lancing dam is one of the worst for AA, jumped on a round last night and the moment I took off in the LB from spawn I was getting locked...had to fly as low and fast as I could until I could hide behind the buildings at D xD with active radar they just dominate the map as they don;t have to move anywhere and they can hit everything in map :p

I do like playing the AA though :p
think lancing dam is one of the worst for AA, jumped on a round last night and the moment I took off in the LB from spawn I was getting locked...had to fly as low and fast as I could until I could hide behind the buildings at D xD with active radar they just dominate the map as they don;t have to move anywhere and they can hit everything in map :p

I do like playing the AA though :p

Yup lacang damn is probably the best map for AA/worse map for aircraft :D

Don't have to leave the spawn at all :p

Ah good just what bf wants more bloody fly boys :D :p

Lol :D

Still got a LONG way to go till I match westie etc. though :(
basically what these mega companies cant seem to grasp is fps is pretty much dead. no original ideas just big bangs and a movie like content.

thats why one week after buying most new games they already on the never to play again pile. :p

if you take away the shiny newness what is there ? there is nothing over any other fps and its actually worse. with the team EA/Dice has behind this it actually mind***** me as how its possible :confused:.

the stability for me has actually got worse with the more patches they introduce :p thats not uncommon in testing in alpha or beta but not full release. that alone shows you they dont give two ***** about who plays it.

i personally cant see the game doing aswell or living as long as bf3 which wasnt much better either. plagued with a lot of the same issues and now even more added on top. with the amount of resources money and dev team behind this project i dont know what the **** they do but they shouldnt be paid or hired again.

single player is just a movie press e and sit back watch poorly scripted scenes with terribad ai.

mp is a mess and even if it plays right and doesnt crash after a couple of rounds its boring. you played it before in many other variations. same ol same ol fps.

sooner or later it will catch up with EA and hopefully its sooner rather than later.

For once, I agree with everything DG has just said. What is the world coming to?! Yes, this game is just dull and lifeless.

The maps are the biggest problem I have, they are rubbish. Someone pointed out the other day that some maps seem more polished than others and since then I can;t help but notice that. When you step back and look at some of the maps it just screams "Nobody spent any time making me. I was an afterthought to make up the numbers".

For big BF-esque battles and a decent shooter experience I'd rather have bland, rocky, blown apart deserts, jungles, frozen tundra, mountain passes, war torn ghettoes etc. Something abit more realistic and gritty, maybe even some blood and guts for a change. I don't want posh 21st century cities, holiday resorts or James Bond sets. The whole series has just become a parody of itself.

Look at Golmud, Locker, Dawnbreaker and Lancang. They are dreadful. Dawnbreaker may look pretty, but it's all just flashing lights and bright textures. When you actually spend a minute to look at it, it's just a mess composed of overly flat orthoganl surfaces, very bland, with parts of the map that are essentially useless.

Locker and Lancang must be the least imaginative maps conceivable. A big lake blocked in on one side by a dam and 3 flags in a row separated by about 100m each. Jesus wept, was that the job of a summer student?

At least Kubra dam had 2 sides, a huge moutain ridge down one side. and a vertical battlefield up the face and top of the dam.

BF4 has been one big disappointment. I just can't be arsed to play it with all the problems, and wtf is a battlebriefcase or whater it is. I don't want battlebriefcases with random stuff in it, I'm not a 5 year old collecting football stickers. What a joke, too much time spent on flashy guff, not enough substance. I can only suppose the development team live by the mantra "you can't polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter".

I am thinking about trying to get my money back as a matter of principle. The product is not as marketed, and not fit for purpose. I can't remain in game for more than about half an hour without crashing. I get one-shotted regularly, and do the same to others and the sound randomly drops out.

The bonus would be that if I did get my money back I am not obliged to return the product in accordance with the Sale of Goods Act, 1974. So in the event that they ever did manage to polish this huge steaming turd, I might actually be able to glean some precious hours of enjoyment out of it.
CS:GO......home! mwah hahahahahahahahahaha :p

i find going from BF4 to go is much worse as go is such a creepy creepy hush hush game...where as in bf4 it's like "awww yeaaahhhh yeeeeeeeehhhhaaaaawwwwww *yaktatatatatatatatata* GET SOMEEEEEEE" :p

either way, screws up my thinking when returning to the other game haha! also if you're a noob it's easier to get kills on bf4... can just jump in a vehicle or something...on GO if you're sucking there's not a lot you can do except sit at the bottom of the scoreboard and hope to get some lucky kills haha.

also watched a mates clip from bf2 he took the other know....bf2 doesn't look half bad xD (better than COD graphically ;) )
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guys, is anyone else getting what I can only describe as artifacting on the screen after this latest update? Happens on Lancing Dam more than any of the other maps. Basically I get flickering squares, triangles etc all over me screen. Now, I know its not these cards oc's because before it never happened, and I can also run things like Crysis 3, Valley for hours on end using 100% GPU and not have 1 problem what so ever. It only seems to be with BF4 now for some reason.
The AA is just broken in the game. Hainan Resort and Lancang Dam being 2 of the worst as mentioned above you don't actually have to leave spawn to shoot across the entire map. Thats broken and bugged no other way of describing it, if Dice had even played that map they would have realised the problem. People on here seem to enjoy bug abusing to keep their KD ;)

Also I like the fact that over the last couple of years COD/BF3/BF4 console bashing to find that most people on here play TDM or 32 player servers lol

Game is just broke and even though BF3 was buggy I really enjoyed it, this I am already getting bored with. It could end up being like Sim City, by the time its in a proper playable state I had already played enough of the bugged version to last a lifetime.

My greatest times in BF3 were playing 64 player conquest with a RL mate, with BF4 I actually have 3 other RL mates who now play but if one of us doesn't crash the map is completely one sided or just too small.
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I really don't agree with the comments regarding Operation Locker being a poor map, I actually think it's one of the best.

If you don't like vehicle maps and prefer intense infantry fighting then Locker is perfect for that. It only turns into a meatgrinder when the teams are too stupid to make use of all the entry points. I'm pleased that they have included the snow section to allow for flanking, it breaks it up a bit and allows a good squad to break through.

I do however agree with the comments regarding it feeling unfinished. Some of the textures are so bland and boring. It would have been a refreshing change to walk into a building on Golmud Railway for example to find it has an interior. The previous occupants of building in BF4 must be the only people in history to have absolutely no interior decoration or furniture.
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