Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

4 Jun 2009
They may not actually need to use more than 2GB and it's simply using more as it's available and saves it having to swap objects out of RAM. If the swapping is smart (as I assume it is), there would be virtually no impact on FPS, you'd only run into trouble if it actually needs everything that's above that 2GB limit before it can draw the frame.


There are quite a few games where they will use as much VRAM as possible, even though there is no performance/FPS increase.

In modern FPS like BF3/BF4 FPS and skill is everything. If you play at 40fps verse 60fps theres a night and day difference in smoothness and response particularly during close quarter combat,when turning fast and when there are explosions everywhere. (if your already at 40fps during nomral gameplay you frame drop will kill your gaming experience and player probably)
Playing with the game maxed out imo is almost a moral imperative, we kind of owe it to the developers and ourselves to run it in ultra with everything set to max so we can see the true splender of these truely brilliant games as it was meant to be. It also kinda validates why we spend so much of our hard earned dosh on hardware.

True, although I did pretty damn well for the first 100 or so hours of gameplay with my 4850 512MB @ about 30FPS and when you scoped in, it dropped to like 15-25FPS :o :p

Even if my PC was capable of running at max settings smoothly, I would still probably drop the settings to high as with ultra, you have too much going on and stuff flying/floating around in MP which is very distracting I find and you don't want that to happen! :p
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18 Oct 2002
Would be nice if they'd remove that utterly stupid tank skidding gimmick, its doesn't rear its head all that often in gameplay but when it does its nothing but an annoyance. Oh watch as my 80 ton tank on a surface with plenty of friction suddenly decides to spin out of control like its on ice. wtf

Also the commo-rose, why is it that it sometimes takes multiple attempts to spot somebody or an aircraft or vehicle? They can be within farting distance and occasionally you just cannot spot them. Its like it just glitches out and refuses to work for periods of time, even if its the first time I've used it in a few minutes sometimes it just does nothing.

Also vehicle "health" regen needs to go. Dumb idea from the minute it was implemented.
9 May 2013

There are quite a few games where they will use as much VRAM as possible, even though there is no performance/FPS difference.

True, although I did pretty damn well for the first 100 or so hours of gameplay with my 4850 512MB @ about 30FPS and when you scoped in, it dropped to like 15-25FPS :o :p

Even if my PC was capable of running at max settings smoothly, I would still probably drop the settings to high as with ultra, you have too much going on and stuff flying/floating around in MP which is very distracting I find and you don't want that to happen! :p

Yeah Sensory overload,
its almost like you eyes and ears are at the limits of their visual and acoustic capability.................I Love It................Sometimes you get an adrenaline hit and actually sweat when the in game provervial **** hits the fan (i.e something beginning in s and ending in s). Roll on 1800hrs......Time for Battle.......
18 Oct 2002
What...they actually...did this?


Yup, it was revealed on the EA forums a while before the game (before the beta) launched but the way it was described was different from what the game shipped with. They said it would only regen "light" damage, but it can restore around 50% of your vehicles "health", not exactly what id consider light damage. I don't think it works in hardcore mode in bf3, just stock.
4 Jun 2009
Would be nice if they'd remove that utterly stupid tank skidding gimmick, its doesn't rear its head all that often in gameplay but when it does its nothing but an annoyance. Oh watch as my 80 ton tank on a surface with plenty of friction suddenly decides to spin out of control like its on ice. wtf

Also the commo-rose, why is it that it sometimes takes multiple attempts to spot somebody or an aircraft or vehicle? They can be within farting distance and occasionally you just cannot spot them. Its like it just glitches out and refuses to work for periods of time, even if its the first time I've used it in a few minutes sometimes it just does nothing.

Also vehicle "health" regen needs to go. Dumb idea from the minute it was implemented.

Lol so true, that happens to me a fair bit and what is even more funny is when a full on speeding tank can be brought to a complete halt by some concrete slab or some telephone pole or a small tree :o Remember the BC 2 days, where a tank could just go through everything with ease :cool: Could even bring a building/house down by just ramming the walls! :D Would love it if the tanks could actually push the cars/trucks etc. out of the way or go over them whilst crushing them.

Can't say I have had that problem with spotting, only if I spam the q button :p does that happen.

Commo rose is a joke in this game, they need to have it shown in the chat box as well and get rid of the useless stuff, just keep the basics like need ammo/health, thanks etc.

Huge +1 to that, in fact they just need to bring the bc 2 vehicle damage system back and tweak it a wee bit.

Yeah Sensory overload,
its almost like you eyes and ears are at the limits of their visual and acoustic capability.................I Love It................Sometimes you get an adrenaline hit and actually sweat when the in game provervial **** hits the fan (i.e something beginning in s and ending in s). Roll on 1800hrs......Time for Battle.......

Yeah the audio impresses me a lot, supposedly with bf 4 it is even better and just sounds more realistic with better positional audio (something that bf 3 lacks compared to bc 2 imo, especially with footsteps!) TBH, might have to look at upgrading my 5.1 setup or get a headset, if I do buy BF 4.
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18 Oct 2002
Can't say I have had that problem with spotting, only if I spam the q button :p does that happen.

I get it all the time and I've no idea why, was playing firestorm earlier and was on flag b trying to spot a tank rolling out of b to c and it refused to work, I must have been roughly 50 feet behind it at most. The commo rose comes up and it selects the right option, just seems to do nothing, no audio saying enemy vehicle spotted or anything. :confused:
4 Jun 2009
But you won't be able to come on here and moan if you don't. ;):p:D

Hmmm, good point! :p Am sure that many people will be sad about that! So I can't let them down :p :D

I get it all the time and I've no idea why, was playing firestorm earlier and was on flag b trying to spot a tank rolling out of b to c and it refused to work, I must have been roughly 50 feet behind it at most. The commo rose comes up and it selects the right option, just seems to do nothing, no audio saying enemy vehicle spotted or anything. :confused:

Ah, I never do it that way, extra second and more "faff" required :p, just a "quick" tap works for me.
1 Jun 2010
Good reply.

In modern FPS like BF3/BF4 FPS and skill is everything. If you play at 40fps verse 60fps theres a night and day difference in smoothness and response particularly during close quarter combat,when turning fast and when there are explosions everywhere. (if your already at 40fps during nomral gameplay you frame drop will kill your gaming experience and player probably).

I agree. Unfortunately this has happened to me many times and frame drop does spoil my gameplay experience and my ability to react and shoot before my player is taken :(
16 Jan 2010
Battlefield friends on youtube episode "Outta My Choppi ". I don't think there's a person playing the game that hasn't had this happen. :D

Aye my god there is some clowns who play this game, had a guy do the same, so i hunted him down on origin and said i was going to punch his face in lol.:eek:
17 Jul 2010
If I get a situation like that it usually depends how they ask. If they start raging I will stay firmly put. If they ask nicely then I will usually get out.
9 Mar 2008
I just had a look on amazon, it says UK release November 1, 2013 (the friday), however on the US store it says October 29, 2013 (the tuesday). I remember they did this last time and people then did the VPN trick to unlock it early. Why do they still delay the release, when, e.g cod and GTA don't? Admitedly its only for a few days but some of us are forever alone no lifers here!
9 May 2013
I just had a look on amazon, it says UK release November 1, 2013 (the friday), however on the US store it says October 29, 2013 (the tuesday). I remember they did this last time and people then did the VPN trick to unlock it early. Why do they still delay the release, when, e.g cod and GTA don't? Admitedly its only for a few days but some of us are forever alone no lifers here!

How does the VPN trick work. I've never used it before? Anyone want to explain how to do it? 2 days later is 2 days too much imo, why should the yanks get it before me...Answer they shouldn't.........
18 Oct 2002
How does the VPN trick work. I've never used it before? Anyone want to explain how to do it? 2 days later is 2 days too much imo, why should the yanks get it before me...Answer they shouldn't.........

Just fools Origin into thinking you're in another timezone where the games already released, flyvpn was the one most people used last time. Though I can't recall if it only needed to be used once, or every time you wanted to play it until it was officially released.

I know with that turd warfighter you would have to connect to the vpn each time before that Friday, just don't remember if it was a one time thing for BF3 or not, I think it was a 1 time thing though.
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17 Jan 2007

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Battlefield 4™ is the genre-defining action blockbuster made from moments that blur the line between game and glory -- moments found only in Battlefield. With dynamic destructible environments, epic vehicular combat, and the chaos of all-out war, Battlefield 4 gives you the freedom to do more and be more for an unrivalled entertainment experience.
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