Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

18 Oct 2002
They seem to be making a big deal of Naval combat in this, remains to be seen if it plays out like that in actual servers or will the boats just be used to get to the land and dumped once there.

Can't wait for the beta, hopefully they will give us a couple of maps to play with.

If they're smart they will chose a map which has a lot of the assets to see how they play off each other in actual gameplay. Instead of a turd like metro that only had a LAV in alpha. We did have Caspian for a brief spell but it was a crapshoot getting into a server and generally they lagged quite badly.
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4 Jun 2009
Hopefully there will be a few flags/coms that are based on a small island in the middle of the ocean/sea so the boats will be necessary for both sides then (from the looks of it, I think there was something like that in the trailer?), if there isn't anything like that then you are probably right, it will be used as a taxi :p

Not only that, but they will need to be able to hold their own against aircraft (probably have very high armour too since there will be no cover for them etc.) otherwise no one will bother with them if they just get owned straight away from above.

Hope to god that they can't do any serious harm against infantry on the main land though as it will already be a PITA having to deal with tanks + helis + jets + jeeps etc.

Can see a lot of people playing as the engineer class in this game......

Huge +1 to that!

Hopefully DICe can actually bring a game out that will be balanced to a satisfactory standard across all areas this time.
3 Sep 2010
Have to give it to DICE, they have a superb marketing/advertising team, their trailers just makes you want to throw tons of money towards them!
Can't wait for the beta, hopefully they will give us a couple of maps to play with.

From what we seen there, that map looks fantastic.

It seems they also designed things differently this time due to BF3 was epic fail.
I saw Bf3 trailers but as far BF4 is way better both presented and delivered.

as I like to say, never underestimate destruction.
its fun blowing walls out to get those snipers/campers.
18 Oct 2002
Graphically that video also looked quite a bit better than the last trailer of the map with the skyscraper falling, more natural elements in it I suppose making it look better.
10 Oct 2012
But are they fixing the very broken suppression system that is currently implemented in BF3? I like suppression as a concept just not the horrible way it is now in BF3. You should NOT be rewarded for being terrible at aiming on a PC.

The idea of inaccuracy during suppression is fine by itself but make it through blur and weapon sway thus enable player skill to compensate for it instead of just redirecting bullets as if the barrel itself was totally off. It ****es me off!.. end of rant :)
4 Jun 2009
as I like to say, never underestimate destruction.
its fun blowing walls out to get those snipers/campers.

Hopefully BC 2 level of destruction is back this time round.

BF 3 had terrible destruction in comparison (B2k maps were decent though and the fine detail destruction in CQ was great) to BC 2. The amount of walls etc. that couldn't be destroyed was a joke, no terrain destruction (was in the alpha), full on speeding tanks getting stopped by small trees and poles etc. :mad:

The amount of destruction wasn't the only problem imo but also the animation/how it happened, loved it when in bc 2 just before the building collapsed, you would see dust etc. falling around the edges, the rumbling sound plus the camera shaking.

Of course though, you don't want everything being destructible otherwise it would ruin the map somewhat and leave no cover from aircraft etc. (although that is already a problem with most of the bf 3 maps anyway) but they could have done so much more with it.

But are they fixing the very broken suppression system that is currently implemented in BF3? I like suppression as a concept just not the horrible way it is now in BF3. You should NOT be rewarded for being terrible at aiming on a PC.

The idea of inaccuracy during suppression is fine by itself but make it through blur and weapon sway thus enable player skill to compensate for it instead of just redirecting bullets as if the barrel itself was totally off. It ****es me off!.. end of rant :)

It has been changed from what I read.

- no blur screen, at least nowhere as much (utter joke what it is BF 3, might as well just put vaseline on your screen for the entire game :rolleyes:)
- the gun will sway instead when suppressed so a good player should be able to counteract it
- suppression only happens with LMGs and other weapons like sniper rifles etc. at least afaik those are the only ones to deliver a substantial amount of suppression

Personally I would only like to see suppression happen when the bullets are impacting walls near you and/or during explosions.

Graphically that video also looked quite a bit better than the last trailer of the map with the skyscraper falling, more natural elements in it I suppose making it look better.

Yeah the latest clips that youtubers like lvlcapgaming, shosho are showing of (same map as the alpha) look A LOT better than the alpha footage we saw at e3 etc. :cool:


As expected premium is making a return for BF 4 :rolleyes:

Great to see the jump the que system is back..........NOT!

day 1 DLC is such a joke! Should be included in the base game. It is fine when it is released later on in the year when the extra content has actually been developed after the main game release, not before the release.........

Next big thing will be splitting the base game into two parts and selling them for £40 each :p :o

Just imagine if people didn't buy that premium **** for BF 3, we wouldn't have had it for BF 4 then!

I just hope they remove the premium only servers ****!
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4 Jun 2009
The 'day one DLC' is a pre order bonus really. Premium only server is a flag that can be set by server admins, NOT something DICE have control over.

Ah yeah sorry, got things mixed up.

The china rising day one DLC is fine.

I wonder if people who bought the deluxe version will be able to get a slightly cheaper version of premium this time round since premium for BF 3 included b2k regardless of it already being owned by pretty much everyone.

True but isn't the option put there by DICE/EA in the first place? :p

They said it be better than bc2
well 9 weeks to go

Will believe it when I see more footage and end user posts/videos of the final game! :p
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