Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

18 Oct 2012
if i buy it this is how ill get it noway in hell im paying those stupid prices.

upto 80 quid for a game lol this isn't wow ! :D

best fps of the year the is only two ! :p

Agreed, should be 30 for BF4 or 50 for game and premium. Some of the DLC's aren't worth a ******* tenner each or whatever.
3 Sep 2010
Both I guess. I think it will be £30-40 for the game and then £30-40 for Premium as well. So £60-80 in total which you can't complain about considering the content you get over a year!

the DLC even if map packs have different gameplay to some extent so they do charge a premium for it....
I buy game and then decide if premium is worth it.
4 Jun 2009
Come on Nexus this is the best of the best m8. They have spent probably 10's of millions of pounds developing this game its gotta to be worth thrity quid plus Bro.. Plus it has a lot of the stuff you wanted that was omitted from bf3. (commander mode, spectator mode, recon with c4 etc).
You have nearly 200 hours on BF3 and that game ****es you off (you constantly highlight its short comings, which are always fair points)
so if you manage another 200-300 hours on BF4 its 10p-15p and hour.

We all thought that about BF 3 before the final game though.......


This does look 1 million times better so far, however, I still want to see the other maps (as I was disappointed with the map design for most of the vanilla maps, looked great in trailers etc. but they had a lot of shortcomings in the end) and other wee things as the stuff that annoys me about BF 3 was only found out during my time playing the game :(

True when you work it out that way :p I will most likely end up buying the game even if it is £35+, however, this time I want to get it for as cheap as possible as I will probably end up buying premium this time (don't want to have to wait 2 weeks to play the new content again, don't want to not be able to join "good" servers etc. and I bet there will be even more premium access to stuff this time i.e. probably more weapons) so that is going to be at least £30/40 as well and if you ask me, £70/80 on a game is a stupid amount regardless of how good it is :p

You could use a proxy (Thai) and get the Deluxe edition for £33?

I'll probably will go down that road, although will wait for a bit longer as last time, India got premium for £17 iirc! :D Lets hope that happens with the deluxe version...... :p

Green Man Gaming is £29.99p

That is for the DVD ROM, really want online/downloadable version. Knowing my luck, the game wouldn't show up for 1-2 weeks!

No idea why it is cheaper than the downloadable version, it should be cheaper :confused:
4 Jun 2009
Very true! Highly annoying! :mad:

Too risky getting games posted these days, that's if you want it on launch day, majority are always late......

I reckon we will see somewhere have BF 4 deluxe digital version for £30 before release date......
17 Jun 2008
Hi what's the difference between deluxe and premium

There isn't a Premium edition yet for BF4 that will come 8 months or so down the line by my guessing.

BF4 Premium is an additional service to Battlefield (think Xbox Live Gold or a Netflix subscription) which gives 2 weeks early access to DLC, the DLC itself, custom videos, other little bonuses like skins, exp weekends and the like. So it doesn't include the game at all it is just the DLC which is confirmed to be at least 12 maps but on top of that there will probably be guns, vehicles and game modes.

Battlefield Deluxe is just the pre-order edition of the game which comes with one free DLC map pack of 4 maps and a few small extra gubbings.
18 Oct 2003
So the destroyer actually crashes into the island on the multiplayer map.. mind.. blown.

And to clarify further on the premium service. We don't want to buy deluxe and then the premium do we, because we'd double up on the china rising pack. Might as well get the normal BF4 game and the prem service?
17 May 2013
So the destroyer actually crashes into the island on the multiplayer map.. mind.. blown.

And to clarify further on the premium service. We don't want to buy deluxe and then the premium do we, because we'd double up on the china rising pack. Might as well get the normal BF4 game and the prem service?

Basically yes. But the cheapest Ive seen the game, as pointed out, is GMG for a hard copy for £29.99. This comes with the expansion pack too.
9 May 2013
if i buy it this is how ill get it noway in hell im paying those stupid prices.

upto 80 quid for a game lol this isn't wow ! :D

best fps of the year the is only two ! :p

Battlefield isnt a game only. Its a way of life, a community, its unique. I've played this for over 10 years and made so many great friends and contacts.

£30-£35 base game plus £30 for premium with 5 more DLC's with 4 Maps a pop is a lot of action for £60...I'd pist that up the wall on a meal or evening out boozing so whats the problem....

They are making the best FPS in history effectively so that cost a stack of money to make and market and being a business they need to earn the spondolees to make this viable.

DG whats you user name in bf3, i'll look you up...
Mines combatevolved-df



26 Dec 2005
Can someone quickly sum up what the difference between Premium and the Digital Delux (that I have on offer in Origin at the moment) is? Are they the same thing?
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