Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

4 Jun 2009
So the destroyer actually crashes into the island on the multiplayer map.. mind.. blown.

It is probably a script/cinematic event i.e. when a base gets taken/win the round on rush mode, that then happens or maybe it is part of the "levolution" thing so half way through a match (conquest), the "storm" kicks in and that happens (much like the building falling on the alpha map)

Try This for a bargain with China rising
36.99 euro's
Guild 32.99 euro's

Never heard of that site :p

Have you or anyone else used them?

As expected then! :(

Really don't like that they have done it from day 1.......

I think I'll just buy the base game only and then wait till premium goes below £20

No point paying the extra for deluxe version since you will be getting that map pack with premium as well.
4 Jun 2009
Can someone quickly sum up what the difference between Premium and the Digital Delux (that I have on offer in Origin at the moment) is? Are they the same thing?


- 2 weeks early access to every map pack (5 of them)
- extra skins etc.
- jump the que system
- contains every DLC map pack
- £30-40

and other bonuses


- just the 1 map pack DLC
- about £5-10 on top of the base game



26 Dec 2005
Is Premium just a one-off purchase or a membership plan?

Can you buy Premium yet?


Just found Premium in Origin. Why is it cheaper than the Deluxe? :confused:
9 May 2013
I am now intrigued ... but not if gameplay will have the same feel as BF3.

Why they give recon C4 to snipers when they sit on there arse sniping hundreds of metres from the action baffles me. Give them a trip wire and flash bang for defence, but the C4 is bascially an offensive anti personnel anti tank device that needs to be deployed by active participants to have the most effect IMO. (I know campers will disagree!!) Even giving a sniper a Gaymore makes more sense as it protects entry exit points..But I use gaymores as support to protect stairs and major throughfairs etc...So I want that to stay with support....
Last edited:
26 Mar 2010
It is probably a script/cinematic event i.e. when a base gets taken/win the round on rush mode, that then happens or maybe it is part of the "levolution" thing so half way through a match (conquest), the "storm" kicks in and that happens (much like the building falling on the alpha map)

I heard that you have to destroy its moorings for it to crash into the Island.
1 Jun 2006
Battlefield isnt a game only. Its a way of life, a community, its unique. I've played this for over 10 years and made so many great friends and contacts.

£30-£35 base game plus £30 for premium with 5 more DLC's with 4 Maps a pop is a lot of action for £60...I'd pist that up the wall on a meal or evening out boozing so whats the problem....

They are making the best FPS in history effectively so that cost a stack of money to make and market and being a business they need to earn the spondolees to make this viable.

DG whats you user name in bf3, i'll look you up...
Mines combatevolved-df

from community aspect i understand ive run clans and been involved with groups all my gaming yeas so yes if you are in a community then its worth it for that.

making the best fps in history have a word with yourself.

bf3 is this , get a jet win dominate everyone, get a lav dominate everyone , get a tank dominate everyone ! its a vehicle game with no balance.

bc2 is better than bf3 it has better balance better reg better everything apart from graphics. gameplay is what keeps people playing not graphics.

bf4 will be successful but what other fps games is there this year ermmm 1 :p

so it has no competition and looks pretty.

if they could sort the hitreg the stupid crap it would be the best hands down will dice do this ? no. that's what they do make pretty games that don't work in mp on a whole.

hope they do sort common issues like the silly animations that take like a minute to get through and stupid jumping and the reg but deep down we already know it wont be regardless . you only have to look at bf3 to see this and the alpha.

if i buy i think ill buy cheapest base game and wait for deals on premium as it will like many games go down quite fast or have offers on as games arnt selling or are down a lot.
21 Aug 2006
Why they give recon C4 to snipers when they sit on there arse sniping hundreds of metres from the action baffles me. Give them a trip wire and flash bang for defence, but the C4 is bascially an offensive anti personnel anti tank device that needs to be deployed by active participants to have the most effect IMO. (I know campers will disagree!!) Even giving a sniper a Gaymore makes more sense as it protects entry exit points..But I use gaymores as support to protect stairs and major throughfairs etc...So I want that to stay with support....

Because those of us that play recon aggressively need C4 so we can blow up tanks, buildings and unsuspecting campers :cool: Hope BF4 will allow throw C4 like in BC2, anyone know yet?
14 Feb 2008
It is probably a script/cinematic event i.e. when a base gets taken/win the round on rush mode, that then happens or maybe it is part of the "levolution" thing so half way through a match (conquest), the "storm" kicks in and that happens (much like the building falling on the alpha map)

It's optional; the building falling on Siege of Shanghai requires you to destroy supports at the base of the building... you can go the whole round without it falling or it can happen a few minutes in. No doubt whatever triggers the ship to crash into the island is also optional destruction.
17 Jun 2008
Is Premium just a one-off purchase or a membership plan?

Can you buy Premium yet?


Just found Premium in Origin. Why is it cheaper than the Deluxe? :confused:

Premium doesn't come with Battlefield 4 it is just the subscription to get all the DLC, plus extras. Think of it as a game DLC season pass.
4 Jun 2009
It's optional; the building falling on Siege of Shanghai requires you to destroy supports at the base of the building... you can go the whole round without it falling or it can happen a few minutes in. No doubt whatever triggers the ship to crash into the island is also optional destruction.

Ah I see, sounds quite good.

Although tbh I would have preferred it to have been done the way I thought it was originally being done as that will be the first thing that everyone does as soon as the game starts! :p

Would have had more of an effect once the tickets are cut down by half for conquest.
10 Apr 2012
Is it £39.99 for BF4 + Premium or is the £39.99 a one off payment which you have to purchase ontop of the base game? Pretty daft question really but you never know. :p
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