Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Pay to Win just made its appearance in battlefield..

That would only be pay 2 win if you were getting unlocks that otherwise weren't available through regular play.

If it's the same as BF3 of just getting a few points for the unlock then it's going to take no time at all to get them anyway without the digital deluxe edition.
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Digital deluxe edition - unlocks all the vehicle and air unlocks

Seriously? thats pay to win for spending a tenner extra pre-ordering..
That the biggest issue i have with it now. I dont mind spending the money but its dead wrong to be able to have all the unlocks for those vehicles for a tenner (euros).

Pay to Win just made its appearance in battlefield..

No? No reason to suggest they are better than the vanilla weapons, plus you should be able to unlock them anyway just by playing a bit more.
No? No reason to suggest they are better than the vanilla weapons, plus you should be able to unlock them anyway just by playing a bit more.

Unlocks, not just weapons.
It's like BF3 release with jets all over again almost, do you know how frustrating it was to try level them when you had no flares or missles/anything and the enemy did? Do you know how easy it was when those roles were reversed?
Sure it didn't take long to fix that, but this will be an pay for advantage that won't last long basically. Fact is, it's still paying for an advantage, suckers.

/In before someone says you only need guns, but this was release when everyone was learning.
Unlocks, not just weapons.
It's like BF3 release with jets all over again almost, do you know how frustrating it was to try level them when you had no flares or missles/anything and the enemy did? Do you know how easy it was when those roles were reversed?
Sure it didn't take long to fix that, but this will be an pay for advantage that won't last long basically. Fact is, it's still paying for an advantage, suckers.

/In before someone says you only need guns, but this was release when everyone was learning.

Spot on.
Unlocks, not just weapons.
It's like BF3 release with jets all over again almost, do you know how frustrating it was to try level them when you had no flares or missles/anything and the enemy did? Do you know how easy it was when those roles were reversed?
Sure it didn't take long to fix that, but this will be an pay for advantage that won't last long basically. Fact is, it's still paying for an advantage, suckers.

/In before someone says you only need guns, but this was release when everyone was learning.

I agree, I thought that they would have learned their lesson but apparently not.
That has really ****ed me of! BF 3 is terrible for newbies due to the ridiculous "unlock everything" scheme, they might as well have just made the wings for jets unlockable too :rolleyes: I know of many latecomers who still haven't bothered with aircraft due to the lack of starting equipment, mainly flares.

Not to mention that using iron sights in this game with the majority of weapons will get you killed more often as all the iron sights are dog ****, you really need to have a decent scope when using assault rifles etc.

The basics should not be unlockables i.e. ammo/medic packs, flares, 1 scope for every gun from the get i.e. the red dot sight or ACOG.

Was going to pre-order through the Thai market soon but after reading that about the unlocks etc. no thanks, shall wait to see what else they mess up with the final game and what "extras" premium etc. get.

Some great videos here:
Maybe before you all spit your dummies out you should actually read what unlocks are included with the digital deluxe version as it clearly says on the Origin store that it includes 'vehicle shortcut bundle for Battlefield 3'

Maybe before you all spit your dummies out you should actually read what unlocks are included with the digital deluxe version as it clearly says on the Origin store that it includes 'vehicle shortcut bundle for Battlefield 3'


Yeah I haven't even bought the game or looked at anything related to 4 except vids, I was going off what other people were saying.

its after all a business also.

Argh, I hate this so much, it's a business, they're here to make money.
Obviously that's the case but there's a certain thing called greed and when they start changing things to make even more money that ruins the calm ethos of a game then I dislike it.

Pay very close attention to what I say next, I'm more angry at the fact people actually pay more for this when it's generally useless items or something that might last a day or two in terms of usefulness or advantage.
This sends messages to publishers that this is a good thing to continue to exploit from people and shows how frivilous many people are. There are still developers out there who still love to do it the old way and for the end user, it's the best way.
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I stopped @ Bf1942 !

But was considering letting BF4 get me back into the online gaming mood of things but will see.

I did not like this unlock business, miss the old days when you could pick up another gun or weapon. Was playing battlefield for free on-line and noticed everyone's got such powerful and accurate weapons and abilities to blow up tanks etc and there I am with the basics :(

Is this how BF4 is going to be? you have to spend real money to get better weapons or is there system where the more points you get you can unlock stuff ?
Argh, I hate this so much, it's a business, they're here to make money.
Obviously that's the case but there's a certain thing called greed and when they start changing things to make even more money that ruins the calm ethos of a game then I dislike it.

Pay very close attention to what I say next, I'm more angry at the fact people actually pay more for this when it's generally useless items or something that might last a day or two in terms of usefulness or advantage.
This sends messages to publishers that this is a good thing to continue to exploit from people and shows how frivilous many people are. There are still developers out there who still love to do it the old way and for the end user, it's the best way.

When people actually buy Apple products is whan I stopped beliving in humanity had a chance.

People pay for percived value, if its real or not is not important, yes its a business and EA are maybe greedy but they also deliver DLC in a way that other series dont.

However BF3 sucked epic balls.
I been with the BF series since Bf1942 and no idea who is in charge but dude seriously dice need to find better players that helps them refine their gaming experience and design.
It seems as the critism like Ben Affleck is getting for the Batman part did get trough to dice about BF3 lacked the fun gameplay as BF4 is bringing the fun in the gameplay back.(Hopefully....)

visually I couldnt care much as long I get to blow stuff up, shot rockets at snipers and any other kid who whine about skill and K/D ratio ;)

2 years ago I entered a competetion back here in bad company 2 and won it agasint kids 30+ years younger than me.
I be owning them well into my 90´s:D
So aside from this levelution nonsense do these maps actually at least match Bad Company 2 for destructibility that aren't big set pieces that people will use for a week and then forget about. The urgent need to get out of a building that was about to come down in BC2 so frequently was completely lost in BF3, theres a few odd buildings but you can't level the map like BC2. Haven't seen anyone ask if the base destruction at least matches it, not 3 buildings in the entire map can be taken out...that doesn't count.
Won't know till we see more videos and play for ourselves.

I am also hoping for much better destruction that at least competes with bc 2. BF 3 was a joke in comparison. Could never tell which wall was or wasn't destructible and you know which buildings to hide in that won't fall down, of which there are quite a lot! :(

From watching a video earlier, a DICE guy said there is more destruction/levolution throughout the map, however, not every single thing is destructible as they want the map to keep some form of structure.

Guess we will just have to wait and see.

I am very excited about the beta this time round as I just can't see DICE giving us a crappy map like metro again........if they do then they really are STUPID! :p
Won't know till we see more videos and play for ourselves.

I am also hoping for much better destruction that at least competes with bc 2. BF 3 was a joke in comparison. Could never tell which wall was or wasn't destructible and you know which buildings to hide in that won't fall down, of which there are quite a lot! :(

From watching a video earlier, a DICE guy said there is more destruction/levolution throughout the map, however, not every single thing is destructible as they want the map to keep some form of structure.

Guess we will just have to wait and see.

I am very excited about the beta this time round as I just can't see DICE giving us a crappy map like metro again........if they do then they really are STUPID! :p

I have heard Metro is making a return (:()along with Wake Island (again) and Damavand Peak.
Personally I am looking forward to seeing what metro will be like in BF 4, it could have been an excellent map with a few changes and levolution could bring an interesting twist to it (trailer showed a support beam/ceiling collapsing on some guy) As someone else said a while ago, die hard 3 and the train bomb scene! :D

I don't like wake island due to:

- HORRIBLE depressing colours
- mainly vehicle based
- lack of cover

It is quite a good rush map though.

Damavand peak is ok, again a lot of areas poorly designed on it. Levolution could be having the big building/cliff side area fall of/collapse (area you base jump from) and change the bottom area, much like the building falling on the alpha/e3 map.

All in all, levolution is what I am most excited about as if done right this could be a big game changer :cool:
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