Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Hell yes. Your squad will start out with one perk each. The only way to get more is via squad points. So reviving squad mates, healing squad mates, re-supplying squad mates etc..

You can get 4 squad perks, but only playing as a squad. Further more if your squad gets wiped you lose 1 perk each time you get wiped

I don't think it will make much of a difference. It will make squads who play as a team more effective but it will not make people play as a squad. Only people interested in playing as a team will play as a team - for the others it's just too much of a hassle. K/D ratio is more important to people than points. People simply don't want to die. And people want to go their own way. Mostly because the most important aspect for teamplay is trust. Trust that your teammates will do the right thing. If you don't trust your teammates, you will go your own way. Points/Perks do not replace that trust.

This is already apparent in BF3. Squad perks provide a noticeable benefit, yet you see a lot of squads not balancing their perks.
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You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

For the K/D whores you can provide tons of incentives to play as a team and they won't. BF4 will provide more incentives than 3 but you can't force those sort of people to play as a squad
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

For the K/D whores you can provide tons of incentives to play as a team and they won't. BF4 will provide more incentives than 3 but you can't force those sort of people to play as a squad

The interesting thing is that people who play as a squad mostly have a positive/better K/D AND more points. But people don't seem to realize that. Or it is mostly the missing trust. If I notice that my squad sucks I might try to find another one. Otherwise I will play on my own.

I think integrated VOIP might actually make more of a difference than squad perks. That way you can at least communicate that you want to play as a team and people will hear you.
Battlefield 4 User-names

Hey everyone!
I was just wondering, when i install bf4, would i get the option to chose a username or would it take the username from my origin account or bad company 2 account? Or do i get the option to create a new one?

Im guessing the process would have been similar for bf3 so could anyone help out? :p
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I was just wondering, when i install bf4, would i get the option to chose a username or would it take the username from my origin account or bad company 2 account? Or do i get the option to create a new one?

Im guessing the process would have been similar for bf3 so could anyone help out? :p
The interesting thing is that people who play as a squad mostly have a positive/better K/D AND more points. But people don't seem to realize that. Or it is mostly the missing trust. If I notice that my squad sucks I might try to find another one. Otherwise I will play on my own.

I think integrated VOIP might actually make more of a difference than squad perks. That way you can at least communicate that you want to play as a team and people will hear you.

Cant have asocial kids working togheter as they never learn that in school anyhow or life for that matter.

still voip makes it better and hopefully they slow down gameplay and increased contrast ratio to find the enemy. BF series always been about tactical and strategic gameplay which they forgot fully in BF3.
Maybe its me but the naval warfare that i remember involved using and controlling the CV,DD and submarines. Can't believe people are impressed by been able to use a rib on steroids.:mad:

To be fair the BF1942 naval warfare was horrendously glitched. It was funny back then, when it was a cult game. It was fun because it was crap.

You could glitch out of the drivers seat when driving an aircraft carrier around, and the collision physics were abysmal for them. You could have all sorts of strange stuff happening

Nobody would ever stand for that now from an AAA title like bf4
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To be fair the BF1942 naval warfare was horrendously glitched. It was funny back then, when it was a cult game. It was fun because it was crap.

Nobody would ever stand for that now from an AAA title like bf4

This. Also I think with the level of complexity in BF4 (compared to COD for instance); it would be a mistake to try and add all of the Naval features with what we have today.
To be fair the BF1942 naval warfare was horrendously glitched. It was funny back then, when it was a cult game. It was fun because it was crap.

You could glitch out of the drivers seat when driving an aircraft carrier around, and the collision physics were abysmal for them. You could have all sorts of strange stuff happening

Nobody would ever stand for that now from an AAA title like bf4

I would have thought that with todays tech its possible. So we forget about proper naval combat becuase a decade or so ago bf1942 was buggy. But its ok for jets to bounce of other jets and structures in bf3? With your line of thought dice should have canned jets in bf4:confused: Also go figure a dice game that is buggy:o;)
I would have thought that with todays tech its possible. So we forget about proper naval combat becuase a decade or so ago bf1942 was buggy. But its ok for jets to bounce of other jets and structures in bf3? With your line of thought dice should have canned jets in bf4:confused: Also go figure a dice game that is buggy:o;)

Of course it's possible but the amount of dev time required to do it properly makes it a poor return on time spent.

Plus you have to consider one of the prime reasons for removing the ability to drive the aircraft carriers around, people ruining the game by putting aircraft carriers in stupid places. The battleships were horrendously over powered which is why thy were removed. With no battle ships, and aircraft carriers just a spawn point, why have subs ?
Was this vid linked? Multiplayer gameplay (not a trailer) from the paracel storm map.

Really like the speed of the rpg's, they were incredibly slow in bf3 by comparison. A real wtf moment was him shooting the wind turbine to allow the ship to break free.

Some more

Remotely fired mortar in this vid, functions similar to the eod bot or mav using a remote.
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hmm, looks like every weapon has zero kick even the Barret used whilst standing :( and looks like they've gone for a grey rather than blue tint this time :rolleyes:

At least you get to shoot at circles instead of triangles this time :cool:
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