Personally I am looking forward to seeing what metro will be like in BF 4, it could have been an excellent map with a few changes and levolution could bring an interesting twist to it (trailer showed a support beam/ceiling collapsing on some guy) As someone else said a while ago, die hard 3 and the train bomb scene!
I don't like wake island due to:
- HORRIBLE depressing colours
- mainly vehicle based
- lack of cover
It is quite a good rush map though.
Damavand peak is ok, again a lot of areas poorly designed on it. Levolution could be having the big building/cliff side area fall of/collapse (area you base jump from) and change the bottom area, much like the building falling on the alpha/e3 map.
All in all, levolution is what I am most excited about as if done right this could be a big game changer