Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Just watched jack frags other video and do not like the remote mortar idea one bit! Also don't like the IRNV scope thing or whatever it is, looks like it will need to receive the same treatment as it did in bf 3 i.e. big nerf!

I really wish they would stick to the basics rather than adding as much possible to the game just for the sake of it, just takes away the fun from the core/base experience imo.

The game definitely needs a bit of a vibrance boost as it is looking pretty dull/lifeless still (much like wake island on bf 3 currrently), at least it looks better than bluefield 3 :p

Is there anything about battlefield you do like ? Seriously find another game to play if you find this much about a game you don't like.

So far I've counted that you don't like:

The Tac Light
The Remote Mortar
The IRNV Scope
Vehicle Health Regen
3D Spotting
Weapon Unlocks
Field Upgrades
The look of the game (comments about it needing more vibrance)
The team balancing mechanism

and that's just in this thread !
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Is there anything about battlefield you do like ? Seriously find another game to play if you find this much about a game you don't like.

So far I've counted that you don't like:

The Tac Light
The Remote Mortar
The IRNV Scope
Vehicle Health Regen
3D Spotting
Weapon Unlocks
Field Upgrades
The look of the game (comments about it needing more vibrance)
The team balancing mechanism

and that's just in this thread !

Personally I suggest you make your own game if you dont like it or as I do, I dont play the game like BF3 as it just sucks to much and dont have the Battlefield experience in it.

If the designers does things right, you can counter whatever the enemy does but if your team sucks and goes all solo and doggy and sits in a corner sniping well then you should be steamrolled.
Of course there is a ton of stuff that I like about battlefield otherwise I wouldn't have played any of the games let alone even be posting in this thread...I have mentioned the stuff that I am very excited for just as much i.e. the audio, levolution, map design, the extras like being able to do more stuff when in the water, recon getting c4 (although don't like that they have got claymore too, just means they will cover themselves when camping in a bush miles away from the objective [if I do get this, I'll just be sure to m320, rpg them instead :p] etc.

I have no problem with most of those things you listed there, what I have a problem with is how they are "implemented and balanced" as we all know that DICE aren't very good with this area (especially when people want something nerfed or improved, they don't do "small" steps) and chances are they won't get things right again, at least not for launch.

The Tac Light

No problems with this in the game as it will be needed if the room actually goes pitch black when lights are shot out, however, what I do have a problem with is will it still blind people whilst out in bright environments and looking at it from an angle, afaic anyone who uses that in that sort of environment is just a noob who can't get kills without it :p

The Remote Mortar

This is just stupid, if you have some noob spamming the mortar everywhere he sees a blip then he should be easy to hunt down and kill rather than just destroying the mortar itself as he will probably be able to supply another one with his ammo box, there was nothing wrong with how it was in bc 2 or bf 3, they just needed minor adjustments i.e. limited ammo

The IRNV Scope

Again no problems with the irnv scope on a "gun" as long as it isn't like what it was in bf 3 at the start i.e. stupidly over powered for "a game". I just think the specific spotting scope/gadget is pointless


I love vehicles in the BF series, however, in bf 3 they sucked big time as the balance was messed up and jets are stupidly op and even more so when you got someone like westie flying them. Helis just don't feel right to fly, they have no weight to them

Vehicle Health Regen

vehicles are already powerful enough so they don't need to be any more powerful with regen, also means that the team would have to work together more, tired of doing damage to a heli/jet only for them to fly way of and wait for a few minutes till their health regens, rinse and repeat. Again I point to bc 2, the vehicles were powerful as they were, however, could still be taken down quite easily

3D Spotting

Pointless feature, it ruins any tactical plan you have when you want to flank etc. and is just "easy mode" for console/newbie players. Not as bad in bf 3 though.

Weapon Unlocks

Love weapon etc. unlocks, however, BF 3 went overboard with the "unlock everything" (you should have had stuff like flares, defibs, medic pack, a simple red sight to start with etc.) and too many things (especially having to unlock the stuff over and over again when using a different gun) that just didn't make any difference as to if you used them or not i.e. everyone just runs around with heavy barrel plus foregrip and most tanks etc. loadouts are always the same. All in all, it just felt like a chore in bf 3 to unlock stuff and try out different setups. With bf 4, they have added even more gadgets like several types of foregrips, more scopes etc. Again I point to bc 2, it was simple, had plenty of unlocks etc. imo, although it could have used a few more i.e. scopes and maybe had 1 more box so you could use another unlock.

Field Upgrades

I don't know about this as 1: look at bf 3 and the squads when you join them, pretty much everyone has the same squad perk enabled 2: with a good organised squad, it may give them too much of an advantage over another squad that aren't on teamspeak etc. I am all for teamplay but I don't want to see pub/lone players getting trashed even more

The look of the game (comments about it needing more vibrance)

Well yes, to me the colours of the game are just as important as the actual graphics, physics. BF 3 was TERRIBLE looking due to the horrible lifeless filters DICE used and anyone who thinks it looks better that way needs to get their eyes tested:

BF 4 looks better colour wise, however, still a bit too dull imo. Not as much of a deal breaker this time though and for all we know DICE could still add that same stupid filter to the final game just like they did with bf 3........

The team balancing mechanism

This is the biggest issue for me as 8 games out of 10 are all landslide wins. It just makes for a crap round (on both sides I find, obviously more so when on the losing side). I don't see how anyone can enjoy games when they are like this? And once again, I point to bc 2, over 600 hours in that (compared to just over 200 in bf3) and I didn't encounter that problem anywhere as much

Also, another main reason why I am not fussed on all these extras is because it will make things a lot harder/more complicated for DICE to balance, I personally think that is largely why bf 3 wasn't as good as bc 2 "overall" as there was just so much more going on with the unlocks, vehicle damage system etc.
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Field Upgrades is not a new feature in a bf game. Its sounds like the squad upgrades found in bf2142 which worked a treat. Mind you bf2142 just edges bf2 interms of all out bf experience. It worked along the lines of any teamwork done by the squad gives the squad points. Once a certian number off points is reached you unlock a weapon unlock depending on your own stats. eg your next scope or class unlock. These unlocks last the round. It does help teamwork but unless theres squad voip it will be a wasted opportunity.

Edit: Nexus i really im going to hunt you down with your constant comparison of bf3 with bc2. BF3 should be always compared to bf2 since its the sequeal. Bc2 should be compared to the devil:eek::D
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Also, another main reason why I am not fussed on all these extras is because it will make things a lot harder/more complicated for DICE to balance, I personally think that is largely why bf 3 wasn't as good as bc 2 "overall" as there was just so much more going on with the unlocks, vehicle damage system etc.

DICE is interested in the coding, not the gameplay as far I can judge it.
BF3 was rushed out, consol porting lying to us PC players.
I hear the same **** from patrich bach now as I did with BF3 as he cant play his own game as he gets owned there. A designer gets owned in his own game seriously?
Bc2 was 32 people maps, add 64 and you will have issues with the netcode especially with the destruction. Coding aside its hard to balance such a game with all the things going on no matter how good the coding team might be.
I can live with as few glitches and such as long the game has the battlefield experience for me.
What I dont like with DICE is that the company seemingly went from BF2 and Bf2142 and made BF3 that is so epic failure while they tried to "innovate" the battlefield experience. No fun, no tactical play and pretty much an arcade kid pimple out game for single players.

Now we see a number of features from BC2 coming back, BF2 Bf2142 and not BF3.
Commander with social integration, voip, and a few weapon and action modes.
so they changing the BF3 core gameplay as it simply put, didnt work at all to get us the battlefield experience as they gave us COD/MW etc..**** gameplay with destruction with BF3. (all thanks to EA btw)

I dont like how they make airplanes fly the way they do or they can headshot inf on the ground, seriously? what do they think?
I then play on servers either INF only or without airplanes as in my view planes should be shot down with inf weapons if they can headshot with their guns.

There is always a ton of things people wont like in any game.
If the gameplay is the deciding factor I had 5+ years with Bf2 and 2+ with Bf1942 and had 3 years with BC2 but BF3? oh what a ****** game it is and how much EA **** got trough there to make it consol ported.
Its like getting a blow job from a girl in thailand and discover its a guy.
just a huge turn off shame.

Looking into Bf4, well the changes they are making and made are due to they went into a reverse as the critisim have been massive about lacking the battlefield experience which is about teamplay and tactical options. In as far, what I read between the lines from people testing the game, from alpha to the gamescon etc..indicates that its be a more fun experience and hopefully the beta will display that or I wont buy it.

/rant off :p
DICE is interested in the coding, not the gameplay as far I can judge it.
BF3 was rushed out, consol porting lying to us PC players.
I hear the same **** from patrich bach now as I did with BF3 as he cant play his own game as he gets owned there. A designer gets owned in his own game seriously?
Bc2 was 32 people maps, add 64 and you will have issues with the netcode especially with the destruction. Coding aside its hard to balance such a game with all the things going on no matter how good the coding team might be.
I can live with as few glitches and such as long the game has the battlefield experience for me.
What I dont like with DICE is that the company seemingly went from BF2 and Bf2142 and made BF3 that is so epic failure while they tried to "innovate" the battlefield experience. No fun, no tactical play and pretty much an arcade kid pimple out game for single players.

Now we see a number of features from BC2 coming back, BF2 Bf2142 and not BF3.
Commander with social integration, voip, and a few weapon and action modes.
so they changing the BF3 core gameplay as it simply put, didnt work at all to get us the battlefield experience as they gave us COD/MW etc..**** gameplay with destruction with BF3. (all thanks to EA btw)

I dont like how they make airplanes fly the way they do or they can headshot inf on the ground, seriously? what do they think?
I then play on servers either INF only or without airplanes as in my view planes should be shot down with inf weapons if they can headshot with their guns.

There is always a ton of things people wont like in any game.
If the gameplay is the deciding factor I had 5+ years with Bf2 and 2+ with Bf1942 and had 3 years with BC2 but BF3? oh what a ****** game it is and how much EA **** got trough there to make it consol ported.
Its like getting a blow job from a girl in thailand and discover its a guy.
just a huge turn off shame.

Looking into Bf4, well the changes they are making and made are due to they went into a reverse as the critisim have been massive about lacking the battlefield experience which is about teamplay and tactical options. In as far, what I read between the lines from people testing the game, from alpha to the gamescon etc..indicates that its be a more fun experience and hopefully the beta will display that or I wont buy it.

/rant off :p

Spot on with the rant. I feel the same way about it all. The experience has gone down the pan.
the game is catered to sell and make money EA are mastering this .

look at all the unlocks dlc options and the rise in price again and they got most people accepting such a huge price hike. very good sales but not so great game .
the game is catered to sell and make money EA are mastering this .

look at all the unlocks dlc options and the rise in price again and they got most people accepting such a huge price hike. very good sales but not so great game .

Saddly thats were gaming is atm. Gaming needs a huge bust imo. Xbox live is to blame for this as it is the gensiss of money grabbing (greed) in gaming.
don't start. you know it wont be a masterpiece just like bugfest 3 isn't.

im buying bf4 but ill buy the default game for the cheapest possible price because dlc is a con and often dead after one month anyway. then everyone goes back to the default maps.

roll on cheap vpn places :p

as stated before only reason im going to buy this is because one cod is bs and there's no other fps games released worth playing.

theres one half good fps game this year. thats why EA can get away with charging the prices cause people want new games and there is any !
LOL at telling people not to start. What do you expect when you come out with your mystic meg comments on knowing what the game is like without playing it. For a company and game you don't really like you don't half go on and on about it.

Get yourself over to the battlelog forums and join all the whiners who are still posting on there despite claiming they hate EA to the bone.
Field Upgrades is not a new feature in a bf game. Its sounds like the squad upgrades found in bf2142 which worked a treat. Mind you bf2142 just edges bf2 interms of all out bf experience. It worked along the lines of any teamwork done by the squad gives the squad points. Once a certian number off points is reached you unlock a weapon unlock depending on your own stats. eg your next scope or class unlock. These unlocks last the round. It does help teamwork but unless theres squad voip it will be a wasted opportunity.

Edit: Nexus i really im going to hunt you down with your constant comparison of bf3 with bc2. BF3 should be always compared to bf2 since its the sequeal. Bc2 should be compared to the devil:eek::D

Hmm doesn't sound too bad then but going by how squads currently play in bf 3, it sounds like you will be lucky to get that working as it should :p Personally I quite like to do my own thing and go my own way as I trust myself more than the majority of other players :p In that way I could be considered to be a poor team player but I am good when it comes to revives, supplies, spotting, typing in chat box what team need to do, where enemies are etc.

I have only played very small amounts of the older bf games on friends pc's (back then wasn't into pc gaming, only console gaming :o) so can't remember bf 2 etc. that well.

hehe, I absolutely love bc 2! :D It was the first proper multiplayer game that I really got into, everything else didn't really appeal to me, only things that could hold my attention was counterstrike RPG servers, zombie stuff etc. :p :o At the time, the destruction, audio, graphics etc. was just so far ahead of every other multiplayer fps game, the vehicle and infantry balance was great too, you didn't have to rely on team work in order to take down a heli like in bf 3 but at the same time the heli could still be very powerful and stay up for a decent amount of time.

Couldn't agree any more flopper! That is why I am very hopeful for this game still as this time round it actually seems like DICE are genuinely listening and taking on board what the community want this time round.
you don't need to be mystic meg do you to know the bf / EA way of selling you part of a game and rest as dlc with mostly broken animations and excuses for bad network code.

only savior is it is often pretty.

heres how bf4 will go first month

everybody buys in plays finds all there great new weapons starts enjoying game yeah shiny great game they fixed this fixed that general comments.

next month all guns nerfed that were good to balance :confused: more bugs than were in the original release are found and more broken glitches bugs found not fixed. new dlc announced before bugs fixed if fixed at all.

metro is the most played map :p or similar map. tubes or similar gun is most common used on small frantic map, vehicles arnt balanced so as usual people in jets and so on are just going 80-1 because of it.

dlc is released one month later dead servers are swopped back to 24/7 metro or similar map which yields most points to be scored with no skill.

EA announce they have made the best fps of the year (no other fps releases :p)

that's it in a nut shell.
you don't need to be mystic meg do you to know the bf / EA way of selling you part of a game and rest as dlc with mostly broken animations and excuses for bad network code.

only savior is it is often pretty.

heres how bf4 will go first month

everybody buys in plays finds all there great new weapons starts enjoying game yeah shiny great game they fixed this fixed that general comments.

next month all guns nerfed that were good to balance :confused: more bugs than were in the original release are found and more broken glitches bugs found not fixed. new dlc announced before bugs fixed if fixed at all.

metro is the most played map :p or similar map. tubes or similar gun is most common used on small frantic map, vehicles arnt balanced so as usual people in jets and so on are just going 80-1 because of it.

dlc is released one month later dead servers are swopped back to 24/7 metro or similar map which yields most points to be scored with no skill.

EA announce they have made the best fps of the year (no other fps releases :p)

that's it in a nut shell.

LMAO, I love how you still moan about animations and what not basically because you aren't very good at BF3.

If the game was as ****** as you make it out to be it wouldn't sell no matter how much marketing they put into it.

You're entitled to your own opinion of course, but I don't know why someone who seems to hate what EA do would go out and give them more money? In my opinion I think you just like complaining. At least EA can put games out on time unlike your beloved DayZ daddy rocket. You moan on about animations yet DayZ the mod and the new official version animations look absolutely horrible and we all know it will have bugs galore.
being seriously put off BF4 - I only use my PC for FPS and it was the only game I thought would be worthwhile - might just sell my graphics card off tbh.

Whilst not a huge fan of BF - I must admit BF2:BC2 was an absolute joy to play - BF3 just seems so much more tedious (or am I getting too old? hmmm)

whatever - BRING BACK ENEMY TERRITORY for the best multi-player game ever! - now that was fun :'(

/goes to cry in corner
I have no problem with most of those things you listed there, what I have a problem with is how they are "implemented and balanced" as we all know that DICE aren't very good with this area (especially when people want something nerfed or improved, they don't do "small" steps) and chances are they won't get things right again, at least not for launch.

So you don't have a problem with them, but you do have a problem with them in BF4/BF3 ? lol

They are still reasons you dislike the game BF4. Seriously, don't buy BF4 and stick to BC2 lol. The game obviously isn't for you.
How can you not understand what I mean :confused:

I have no problems with most of that stuff being in the game.

WHAT I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IS = how they are balanced/implemented i.e. the strengths and weakness of the stuff they put in i.e. how they balance the tac light so that it only works/blinds people in dark environments or/and when looking at it straight on in close quarters not when outside on a bright day and from an angle. Stuff like that..........

Same for vehicle balance, just play bc 2 to see how much better the vehicle to infantry balance is compared to bf 3

Same for unlocks. Obviously this is a bit of a problem since most people also say the same thing as me more or less, it just feels tedious/like a chore having to unlock and try different stuff out in bf 3 than bc 2.

If the stuff you listed isn't implemented/balanced the way I would like it then yes it will make me dislike the game just like it did with bf 3 but if they are done to a proper standard i.e. not just thrown in with no real thought behind them then they are most welcome.

I would stick with bc 2 but with over 600 hours, knowing the maps of by heart, where people go etc. the game doesn't hold my attention the same way but if bf 4 beta doesn't impress me then I will be sticking it back on as opposed to bf 3 and just wait to see if DICE can actually fix/improve the stuff in bf 4 in a timely manner this time.....


and I am only bringing those things up as possible annoyances, haven't said that they will be terrible without a doubt as for all we know DICE might actually do a good job this time.........
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£85 to get the game with all the extra stuff that is available on release day from Origin. Getting a bit ridiculous isn't it? Even shopping around the savings aren't great. The no premium edition of BF4 is a flat out con for more money.
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