The one thing i think most people haven't considered is that the BBC coverage actually gets better. MB does get things wrong, so i think him leaving isn't the worst thing in the world. DC has better relationships with the drivers, plus apart from MB, Sky will have no real drivers in the mix from the last 5 years. Ted is the key man here, though it sounds like he is going more towards presenting. Im curious to who is going to watch all 20 races on sky, even though i have sky, i will be watching 10 on BBC that are live, but also any that are early starts i will catch the BBC coverage instead. So i will probably watch 13 or 14 on BBC, if i wasnt already a sky customer, i wouldnt buy the sky channel.
This is my viewpoint, MB just isnt the F1 expert he once was and without his involvement as a F1 manager, he has apparent limited visibility of F1 behind the scenes IMO compared to someone like DC and his continued role with Red Bull.
The amount of times DC has corrected MB isnt a lot (or when MB defers to DCs opinion), but they tend to be new developments, so it does make me think who would I want to hear as the F1 expert in commentary. It really doesnt sit well with me that the considered F1 expert is so relatively long in the tooth, for the record, Im not a fan of MW for the same reasoning. I have grown tired of picking things up far more quickly than the commentary team because of the F1 tracker and other aids the public now has to watch with the races...
Obviously there are other facets to MBs appeal, like his gridwalks or his awkward questioning technique, but again EJs more than got that covered - hell Ive wanted him to do the gridwalks for a while just to see the trouble he gets into!
How often have we seen EJ on the F1 Forums just wonder off and literally drag people to have a chat, or go off on an innane tangent for JH to reel him in. We tend to forget who he is and treat him more like that awkward, embarrasing uncle; but those F1 connections he does have give some real gravitas in the kind of people he can get in front of the camera or the probing questions hes happy to ask, while most will just ponder and consider their livelihood...
Perhaps its because I have entrenched investment in the BBC F1 team (we all watched them grow into the presenting team they now are and personally Im anti-Sky so have that bias anyway) but it really does make me think that the supposed talent MB will bring to Sky F1 channel isnt the coup de grace most think it would be...
Simply put Id rather watch JH, DC and EJ than anything the Sky have put together. It was Sky potentially breaking that front-of-house relationship that I was most worried about, not watching full live races, for me, isnt the biggest loss as I tend to tape them and watch at my leisure and who here has never said
'Well that turned out to be a boring race', but enjoyed the pre/post show and the F1 Forum...
I wont comment on the remainder of the Sky F1 team other than Steve Ryder really should be in a Remington hair commercial...