BBC possibly to drop F1 coverage...

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anyone tried phoning virgins retention and seeing if they are offering any deals if you say your thinking olf switching to sky because you can get the channel for free and without all the sports crap
And anything they discount will be temporary and if they have any sense, ensuring you went with a highest tier of TV first and spin that line that Sky Premiums are cheaper on the higher tiers :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
Have BBC announced if the highlights are fixed time, so if the race is still going on, they are allowed to start, or is it an amount of time after the fact that the highlights are allowed to be shown.
Have BBC announced if the highlights are fixed time, so if the race is still going on, they are allowed to start, or is it an amount of time after the fact that the highlights are allowed to be shown.

I believe they have, yes. Something like 1pm starts for morning races, and 5pm for afternoon races, and 8pm for evening races. Something like that anyway.
So you need to pay an additional £7 for SSF1 in HD?

On VM? They aren't getting Sky F1 HD at all - only a Sky subscriber can get it.

Much like they only give VM customers SS1 and 2 in HD, the rest of the sports channels are SD. You can have a bit, but not all :p
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So you need to pay an additional £7 for SSF1 in HD?

Edit no HD full stop.

Sky Sports 3, Sky Sports 4, Sky Sports F1,
Sky Movies Premiere +1 and Disney Cinemagic are only available in standard definition

Total rip off. I know why they have done it, to get customers to jump.
But I haven't Got a BT line and this area doesn't have BT infinity. No way am I paying for two telephone lines just to get sky.
They have updated that site today. Either that or I am blind. There was no mention of the F1 channel at all on there earlier.

It's only been announced today, that's what all the recent posts here are about :p

Total rip off. I know why they have done it, to get customers to jump.
But I haven't Got a BT line and this area doesn't have BT infinity. No way am I paying for two telephone lines just to get sky.

Why do you need 2 phone lines? You can use a VM telephone line if you just sign up for Sky TV. A BT line is only required if you want their BB too.

I'm with VM for everything right now, but am thinking of dropping the TV for Sky and keeping VM broadband and phone. BT/Sky/whatever internet isn't up to much here.
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