BBC possibly to drop F1 coverage...

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And FrankJH, this is the little nudge my parents needed to go from Sky+ to Sky+HD, and I will be signing up to a Sky package too. There will be many many more people doing exactly the same.

ok so Sky have gained one new customer :) - I still cant see the "hundreds of thousands" of new customers happening due to F1 moving to sky as the original post suggested (esp if they are going to charge extra for HD ontop of the F1 channel)
ok so Sky have gained one new customer :) - I still cant see the "hundreds of thousands" of new customers happening due to F1 moving to sky as the original post suggested (esp if they are going to charge extra for HD ontop of the F1 channel)

They've got such good market penetration, they can never look for hundreds of thousands. More like 10s of thousands and I expect they'll get that especially as the deal with virgin is so crud.
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Do you think the BBC will plaster the results on the front page of their website when they are showing highlights?


One thing I have notice is that F1 results don't get the 'if you don't want to know the result, look away now' treatment like Football does...

The worst is on the radio where they usually start the sports headlines by shouting the result at you. "Sebastian Vettel won the Brazillian Grand Prix today..."
What is up with Sky and the whole '...for 2012 season'? Has me on edge that theyll just have nothing for 2013 or are only getting people together on the basis on how 2012 goes - just has me primed for a vast reduction in coverage/presentation after their inaugural season...

I know Im not imagining it as Skeeters said the same, seems consistently over-detailed to be throw-away really...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I would say some of it is simply because they only have 1 year contracts with people, which is fair enough.

The uses of it that really concern me though is regarding adverts during the race, and when they say they will have Live coverage of every race...
god my parents sky viewing car number :D
all the sports channels , all the movie channels , the hd package etc

i guess im ready for f1 :D i wouldnt pay for it with my own cash though
Yes you can.
One thing to remember though is that the owner of the account can only register 2 devices at one time, however, you are able to un-register devices on the Sky Go website, so you could register your pc on your family's account and then un-register it at the end of the season.
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