BBC possibly to drop F1 coverage...

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Sky have confirmed that "for 2012 the entire race will be shown without adverts".

The fact they have chosen to specifically mention 2012 in that statement worries me though.
There is a big difference between going advert free for 2 hours (F1) and 45 minutes (football).

I fully expect SKY to start putting adverts in the races in 2013. They would be mad not to (think of the extra revenue they could get from advertisers). The viewing public would have no choice to put up with it.

ITV do not put adverts while the football game is playing, however, during F1 races, they used to show adverts. I think SKY will adopt exactly the same policy.

For 2012...we are safe, though.
I'd like to think they're setting a precedent in 2012 by going ad free, and that there'd be uproar from the fans if ads were introduced subsequently... I guess we'll see though!
I'd like to think they're setting a precedent in 2012 by going ad free, and that there'd be uproar from the fans if ads were introduced subsequently... I guess we'll see though!
So the only place in the UK to watch F1 live legally decides to introduce ads after their first year - do you think they arent aware of this and equally the increased traction by having all those fans already on the service? How many do you think really would leave after joining just for F1? Kinda got you(r money) hook, line and sinker :p

Remind me, wasnt there uproar from the fans when BBC gave up on F1 and sold it to Sky - did that change the outcome?

ps3ud0 :cool:
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[pessimist goggles on]

In 2013 BBC wangle their way out of yet more live coverage, possibly showing nothing live and just 1 hour of highlights for each race. Sky introduce adverts during the race.

[/pessimist goggles off]
[pessimist goggles on]

In 2013 BBC wangle their way out of yet more live coverage, possibly showing nothing live and just 1 hour of highlights for each race. Sky introduce adverts during the race.

[/pessimist goggles off]
And you wonder why my interest might wain, prepare for the worst and hope for the best ;). 2hrs of 'premium TV' with a regular captive audience wouldnt at all interest advertisers in the slightest :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
So the only place in the UK to watch F1 live legally decides to introduce ads after their first year - do you think they arent aware of this and equally the increased traction by having all those fans already on the service? How many do you think really would leave after joining just for F1? Kinda got you(r money) hook, line and sinker :p


From a business perspective, SKY would be mad not to put adverts during the race. If I ran SKY I definitely would.

The first year is designed purely to get the F1 fans to sign up. They want to keep F1 coverage similar to that of BBC. The fewer changes the better....right down to the commentators. The real money is to be made in subsequent years, when they introduce the changes.

...and just to clarify, SKY have bought the rights to televise F1, for the benefit of SKY...not for the benefit of fans. At the end of the day, SKY are about making money (just as any business is), so if a simpleton like me has already thought about putting ad breaks during a race, you can bet that the bods at SKY have already factored increased revenue from adverts, into their bid for F1. If they can earn an additional £1M, say, per race, by putting adverts during the race...why wouldn't they?
...2hrs of 'premium TV' with a regular captive audience wouldnt at all interest advertisers in the slightest :p

If I was a manufacturer of cars, I would probably already have had made contact with SKY, to get a deal to advertise my cars, during the race. Or perhaps sponsor some of the F1 races in 2013. As you state, this is a "premium" audience we are looking at and I would pay top dollar to advertise during this time.

Personally, it wouldn't surprise me if SKY have already sold advertising slots to some companies, to show during the F1 races, in 2013. ;)
The only thing that might help us out is that I can't see Sky filling the race with adverts while the BBC still have live coverage of a number of races, as anyone with Sky F1 will also have access to BBC. Nobody will want to advertise during the race if everyone is just going to switch to BBC when the ads come on. I'd say the first indication of incoming adverts will be news that the BBC is reducing the number of live races it shows.
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How is F1 televised in the US with regards to ad breaks? Well someone could tell me now, or we can just enjoy it in a few years ;)

A lot of what Im saying is no doubt scare-mongering, but its silly not to forsee these business opportunities and from that how other people have interpreted this as the beginning of the end of F1 as a greatly watched spectator sport in the UK. Its just different points in the forseeable future in reality...

ps3ud0 :cool:
On the flip side, the inclusion of GP2, GP3 and now Indycar on the F1 channel are signs that it may become a full time motor sports dedicated channel in the future, which would be great.
Even the ITV F1 deal had GP2 thrown in - not a large amount of outlay for Sky but even more hours of programming that they could sell - its a great great way to pigeonhole a useful demographic over a long schedule and then accordingly sell the time from premium (F1) down to cheap (GP3) and give advertisers a nice bundled package in how the time they buy can permeate that quite distinct audience.

As someone said on the thread earlier, once you kick your GF out and sit down to a whole set of races on the same channel for a weekend, the advertisers will be more than happy to join you and to sell you things :)

Sky KPI to success wont necessarily be the viewing figures, but the increased cost of advertising on the channel and how multi-layered that becomes...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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ITV had GP2? I didn't know that. At the time I would have been watching it on Eurosport though.

Yeah, the GF isn't going to be impressed when she sees the TV schedule... :D
This is supposed to be the schedule for the first 2 races (apologies if it's already been posted)

Friday 9th March

2000-2200 Formula One Magazine Show

2200-2230 Legends - Fittipaldi

2230-2300 Winter Testing - Jerez/Barcelona

2300-0100 Formula One Magazine Show (Repeat)

Saturday 10th March

1830-1900 F1 Car unveiling - McLaren/Force India

1900-2000 Time of our lives - GP Greats

2000-2230 Formula One Season Review 2011

Friday 16th March

0100-0330 Australia FP1 Live (Session is 0130-0300)

0515-0700 Australia FP2 Live (Session is 0530-0700)

0930-1030 Formula One Magazine Show (Repeated throughout the day)

Saturday 17th March

0245-0415 Australia FP3 Live (Session starts at 0300)

0500-0800 Australia Qualifying (Session starts at 0600)

Sunday 18th March

0430-0900 Australian Grand Prix Live (Race starts at 0600)

1930-2100 Australian Grand Prix Highlights (Repeated at 2130)

Tuesday 20th March

1930-2000 F1 Fast Track - Australia

Wednesday 21st March

2000-2100 Formula One 1988 Season Review

Thursday 22nd March

2000-2100 Formula One 1989 Season Review

Friday 23rd March

0200-0350 Malaysia FP1 Live

0550-0740 Malaysia FP2 Live

0750-0840 GP2 Qualifying Live

1000-1100 Formula One Magazine Show

Saturday 24th March

0445-0615 Malaysia FP3 Live

0700-0800 GP2 Race 1 Live

0800-0930 Malaysia Qualifying Live

Sunday 25th March

0330-0430 GP2 Race 2 Live

0730-1200 Malaysian Grand Prix Live

1730-2000 Live Indy Car Racing

2000-2130 Malaysian Grand Prix Highlights
We need more info on Indycar. Are Sky moving it from Sky Sports to the F1 channel? With the new car I am actually very interested in watching it.
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Why do you think the more popular American sports have shorter duration of play ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:

eh? lol...

most of the major sports they cover are long...longer than a 90 minute football match, the main reason why i hate NFL "drop ball, 20 minutes before ball is touched again, 3 seconds of play repeat process" zzzzzzzzz

i enjoy baseball and the NHL though easier to watch. indy is also pretty cool but only the highlights :p same for nascar imo.
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