BBC possibly to drop F1 coverage...

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What is this 'principle' people keep going on about?

Oh, and Sky just lost money on my parents. They dropped the Sports pack and replaced it with the HD pack :D. Yeah Sky, screw you, take that! LOL.

so they've been giving sky money because they didn't want to watch the channels they were paying for:confused:
True, but it will be interesting to compare it to previous years or even last quarter and the quarter before that. There have been quite a few 'I've caved and bought Sky to watch F1' comments on other forums I've looked at too and personally I'm super excited about it and cannot wait for it to start!

tbh, makes no odds to me either way just musing whether I want to spend the money.

If it is a success and the whole lot goes SKY, then I may have to think again, don't know really.

I think it's a shame though, I mean how many UK viewers have indycar and nascar got?

I think for those with sky HD at the moment it is obviously good news etc.
tbh, makes no odds to me either way just musing whether I want to spend the money.

If it is a success and the whole lot goes SKY, then I may have to think again, don't know really.

I think it's a shame though, I mean how many UK viewers have indycar and nascar got?

I think for those with sky HD at the moment it is obviously good news etc.

Sky dropped Nascar live as it wasn't pulling in the hoped for ratings. Talk of only getting 5 figures viewing but it's a 'marmite' sport where some people will only watch the last 30 minutes. They still have the highlights show on a Monday I think though.

Not sure about Indycar but I suspect more than watched Nascar. helps that they have some British drivers and the coverage of Wheldon's unfortunate accident was almost worldwide and prompted a lot of press coverage of the sport in general. That and Sky just renewed the rights at the beginning of last season might mean more viewers. It will also help if they publicise it on the F1 channel and the first race is actually on the F1 channel as well which will help.
Keep checking the pf1 website, but unless pubs are showing this (doubtful) then :-(

Id maybe get hd if i had sky but no way can i justify the cost for 5 hours of screen time a month!
Umless they have a mega 12 month deal package for tv etc, cant justify it

For sky i think they will have a lot of new customers
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Keep checking the pf1 website, but unless pubs are showing this (doubtful) then :-(

Id maybe get hd if i had sky but no way can i justify the cost for 5 hours of screen time a month!

You wouldn't watch any other programme or channel on there?
Is it so hard to believe people wouldn't?

Excluding F1 and the odd football game, I probably barely watch more than 5 or 6 hours of TV a month.

This is what some people find hard to understand when it comes to the cost of paying to watch F1 on Sky.
just looked up the f1hd price, cheapest package is £32.50 a month on a 12 month contract ?!

sure you get the other channels but nice of them to make it cost that bit extra for one channel.
New tidbits on Sky's coverage following their press day...
  • A 2 hour F1 Magazine show will launch the F1 channel on 9th March, show will be on every friday whether it is a race weekend or not
  • F1 will be broadcast in Dolby digital 5.1 surround for the first time.
New tidbits on Sky's coverage following their press day...
  • A 2 hour F1 Magazine show will launch the F1 channel on 9th March, show will be on every friday whether it is a race weekend or not
  • F1 will be broadcast in Dolby digital 5.1 surround for the first time.

5.1.... :eek::cool:

I know people are not happy about sky taking it etc, I'm not bothered as had HD anyway. But it does look like they are giong to give a really good service. I might be wrong and it turn out to be advert covered ****, but if its as good as it looks like it might be I for one will be very happy.
no thats from skys website skeeter, if it was £10 a month for just the f1 in hd id probably pay it, but not £32.50 on a 12 month contract.
well that was off the sky site, claims you have to have a entertainments package and hd (obviously) to get the f1 which comes to £32.50 as a new package on a 12 month contract.

im guessing its a way to try and get more people interested offering more, but why they cant just offer f1hd for a set price is just sky trying to make the most out of the deal i guess.
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