BBC possibly to drop F1 coverage...

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I only ever watch the races via BBC online so wouldn't pay for a Sky Sports sub anyway (don't watch any other sports and I loathe football).

Looks like it's a mixture of BBC Online + Speed TV streaming for me next year :-)
You will need to get your landlords/freeholders permission to stick a dish up.

Yeah, but my landlord only owns my ground floor flat. I assume the dish will need to go up on the top of the building so I would need to get hold of whoever owns the 2nd floor flat and ask them?

EDIT: Something I picked out of that email from the BBC, they state that Silverstone, Monaco and the last race will be live on BBC one, whereas they just state the other 7 will be 'live'. Does this mean they will be on BBC3 or BBC4, or possibly even just online?
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Yeah, but my landlord only owns my ground floor flat. I assume the dish will need to go up on the top of the building so I would need to get hold of whoever owns the 2nd floor flat and ask them?

He means the landlord of the freehold. Typically some sort of building management company.
He means the landlord of the freehold. Typically some sort of building management company.

The building management company is not the freeholder.

We have two types of property in the UK - freehold and leasehold.

Nearly all houses are freehold, essentially where you own the land and building outright.

With leasehold (which I don't believe exists anywhere else in the world) you buy a property (nearly always a flat) but you don't actually own it outright. You buy a long lease (typically in the region of 100 years but can be longer or shorter). Each year you pay a nominal rent (called a peppercorn rent - ours is £100 per year) to the freeholder.

The freeholder is the ultimate owner of the property. Normally they will instruct a management company to manage the building - you may never have any contact with the freeholder.

As a tenant on a standard assured short hold tenancy you will need to get the permission of your landlord (the leaseholder) who will in turn need to get permission from the freeholder.

On lots of properties freeholders will prohibit the installation of a dish. If this is the case there is nothing you can do.

I am in essentially this position but with the added problem of being in a conservation area where I need to also get special planning permission from the council. I can't get Virgin either.
Ah, all makes sense now (as does the £75 'rent' bill that arrived addressed to my landlord the other day).

Either the freeholder or management company (or both) is Bovis homes, and my landlord (leaseholder) is a couple who have just moved abroad. I will nose around the building and others around to see if anyone else has a dish up before asking.

Either that, or I just buy my own house before the season starts next year!
Ah, all makes sense now (as does the £75 'rent' bill that arrived addressed to my landlord the other day).

Either the freeholder or management company (or both) is Bovis homes, and my landlord (leaseholder) is a couple who have just moved abroad. I will nose around the building and others around to see if anyone else has a dish up before asking.

Either that, or I just buy my own house before the season starts next year!

Be careful - some people just get a dish get stuck up without obtaining permission. You can then get asked to take it down and still be stuck with a SKY contract.
Not good news, I watch F1 on a Dutch channel in HD from my Humax with the sound coming from an analog BBC feed going to the surround set.
I can't get Sky in The Netherlands.
Not good news, I watch F1 on a Dutch channel in HD from my Humax with the sound coming from an analog BBC feed going to the surround set.
I can't get Sky in The Netherlands.

What is the local commentary and coverage like compared to the BBC show?
What is the local commentary and coverage like compared to the BBC show?
Crap, the commentator isn't on site and comments from watching TV, so he misses basic stuff I can even see or know.

So I combine the best of both, I watch BBC before the race, switch to Dutch HD image with BBC commentary during the race.
How much money does the UK audience actually bring in compared to the rest of the world?

On various other sites Ive seen people commenting that F1 will really hurt next year when the UK audiences fall, but other figures I have seen say that F1 has a global audience of 520+ million people. Therefore to me, the loss of even the entire UK audience doesnt seem like a large impact to the business overall seeing as we are only pulling in 6m people per race going on this weekends figures (1.2% of the audience base).

Is it just our sense of national importance due to having teams and drivers based here that's over egging our real importance to the business?
Couple of rumours I have heard are that Tony Jardine will be the Sky anchor, likely studio based, and Sky have their eye on Martin Brundle, whose contact with the BBC (conveniently) runs out at the end of this year.
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