BBC possibly to drop F1 coverage...

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I don't quite follow?

I was wondering if they had let ANY F1 free to air petitions through. They way I read the BBC article made it sound like they had dumped all the F1 related topics because it was not related to government. What I was saying was that, if that was the case and it appears not so, that if that many people requested the petition then surely it must be what the people want.

It's a moot point now anyway.
In 24 hours, that's not bad. I don't think it will make the required 100,000 though and even if it does, it's no guarantee that anything positive would come of the discussion.

What could come of it? F1 commercial rights are privately owned, they can charge whatever they want.
What could come of it? F1 commercial rights are privately owned, they can charge whatever they want.
There are parlimentary provisions available to protect particular sports and how their TV rights are sold - its the reason why things like the Olympics and World Cup have to be televised via FTA.

The government had the chance in 2009, heres hoping this petition allows such a discussion to take place again for F1 - but it does smell of closing the gate after the cattle have bolted...

ps3ud0 :cool:
well i think any obvious public opinion can only be a good thing, it may help in future decisions and as negotiations between the bbc, sky and fom are no doubt continuing over the details of who is getting what, it may help to secure a slightly better slice of the pie for the bbc, for example it still seems unclear whether its going to be deffered highlights, or the full race.
well i think any obvious public opinion can only be a good thing, it may help in future decisions and as negotiations between the bbc, sky and fom are no doubt continuing over the details of who is getting what, it may help to secure a slightly better slice of the pie for the bbc, for example it still seems unclear whether its going to be deffered highlights, or the full race.

The BBC will not be showing the full race, is my understanding.
thats my understanding also at the moment, but according to bernie they have the option to show the whole thing, which is what whitmarsh said was happening. So maybe the general discontent might help convince the bbc to show the whole race deffered rather than just highlights, either way i dont think it can hurt to try.
thats my understanding also at the moment, but according to bernie they have the option to show the whole thing, which is what whitmarsh said was happening. So maybe the general discontent might help convince the bbc to show the whole race deffered rather than just highlights, either way i dont think it can hurt to try.

No, they do not have this option. Bernie himself after those news reports. Said that was his knew idea and nothing but an idea. But somehow sold it to whitnarsh. So untill there is a change of contract. It is extended high ores about 50mins.

Yep, so good points.

Financially, it makes perfect sense, and in the big picture, its not so much of a loss in figures.

However, on a personal level, as someone who doesn't follow Football, and doesn't wach many other motorsports as I don't have Sky, its a massive blow to my regular, obsessive viewing of F1. On a personal level I am very anrgy about it.

But money > personal feelings.

Just going to have to accept it and move on.
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