BBC Vs Sky - Who was best?

BBC by a country mile. Ben Edwards is a brilliant commentator, far better than James Allen MkII aka. Crofty.

I thought Ben Edwards was appalling today, very amateurish attention to detail, but otherwise he's alright. I preferred Brundle and Coulthard though.

Generally I much prefer the BBC coverage and I'm glad JH is leaving. Hopefully Lee McKenzie will replace him, I think she's been brilliant. JH is just a compere, LM is a journalist and presenter.

Sadly, unless the BBC stop their slide into irrelevance by getting the broadcast rights back from Sky, I fear they will lose more talent. It's why Brundle and Kravitz left and they're really the only reason to watch the Sky coverage.
BBC, DC's gridwalks are getting better (he managed to get Lewis today!) and they seem to get better access simply because they're the BBC.
I always though Brundle was a bit naff actually, very boring, never seemed over excited, could have sworn when things went sideways at the start today I could hear one of them thumping the table with excitement lol.
I'd probably have to say Sky overall, prefer the commentators and even Simon has grown on me over the season.

It's nice to flick between the two though. The ideal for me would probably lie somewhere between the 2 coverages... Something similar to what we had last year on the BBC.
BBC, got Sky partly/mostly for the F1 and will be ditching it as soon as my year is up. Gutted to lose Jake but understandable considering. I can't stand Sky's program, I'd rather they turned it off and just showed Pinkham for 3 hours ;)

I always thought Brundle was F1 in this country since Murray gave up, but I haven't missed him one bit.
BBC pre/post race. Sky during.

Having said that, I always just leave Sky on for the whole programme as it's more convenient that flipping between 2 channels.

Gary's talks were brilliant explaining stuff with diagrams.

DC, Jake and EJ made a good team and DC was a brilliant commentator.

Tried the Sky coverage and got bored!
For me, it's SKY by a reasonable margin.

Not to say they aren't perfect, I prefer DC's ability to doorstop a bit better in grid-walks, the fact it's the BBC I think has more sway in some conditions, and I do slightly prefer Jake over Simon for anchor, but for just about everything else, SKY have it, notably for..

1. All practise sessions seamlessly series link in the planner
2. The commentary in practise sessions is good, with Ted doing his walk abouts while you get decent commentary from Ant Davidson or Alan McNish when he's not there
3. The Sky PAD and virtual Eye etc are all quite good, plenty of post race analysis
4. The off bit of the Sky F1 Show adds to the build up.
5. 5.1 surround does sound pretty decent, not for the surround aspect, but just the audio quality in general.

I really like Ted's doggedness in getting good info, and Crofty/Brundle make for a good pairing IMO..

Last year with the BBC, I was often using 5 lives commentary and missing practice sessions, and not feeling much going on outside of the race (no 'F1 Show' kind of thing)

I would say that you get used to the different personalities, I've watched 75% SKY and 25% BBC this year (due to being away from home) and everytime I watch 2-3 races on one channel, then go back to the other, it always feels weird..

The VT sections are epic. The editing and stories are thought out.. Sky is a bit 1996, bit of music and random images tastic no story or point.. just filler.

I miss the brundle DC combo but ben edwards is ok..
I don't watch any of the builds up so only the grid walks and the race nowadays, and for me it was Sky, Brundle and Crofty make a much better pairing, and Brundles gridwalks are better as he gets stuck in as the primary UK broadcaster.
I never really compared. I watched one Qually on the BBC but after 6 months of watching on Sky it felt too different.

It was funny though how Sky would go out of the way to avoid getting any of the BBC crew in shot, just in case someone remembered it was on the BBC too.
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