BBC, I detest sky in any form.
Me too
BBC, I detest sky in any form.
Me too
He's off to present football on a new BT channel. Also his wife is expecting their first child so I suspect flying all over the world every fortnight wasn't on the cards. I think BT are paying a lot more too!How come Jake is leaving? he leaving the BBC or is it something else they have him doing?....I imagine its a pretty damn good job as a presenter to have!
Has there not been any good guesses yet to who will be taking JH place?
Has there not been any good guesses yet to who will be taking JH place?
No he's not, he's called things way before many, he called Hamilton leaving way before many races as he walked away from his car, he seems to have a more "modern" mindset and better relationship with the teams, even being inside with RedBull gives him good insights as he is still actively driving these things.
Then you can hear him actively get excited when something happens on track.
did sky really steal them? sky have been covering f1 much longer than the bbc has
The BBC have been covering F1 since before Sky existed.