Beat saber

The other thing to note with regards to the 'levels' of songs - the built in songs are pretty consistent in terms of what they call hard and what they call expert. But the custom tracks can be all over the place. I've done expert tracks which are easy, and normal tracks which are impossible.
The other thing to note with regards to the 'levels' of songs - the built in songs are pretty consistent in terms of what they call hard and what they call expert. But the custom tracks can be all over the place. I've done expert tracks which are easy, and normal tracks which are impossible.

yes, ive noticed that too

some map designs are just plain awful too :(
Oh God yes. Some of the people who make them have apparently never heard of the concepts of 'rhythm' or 'beat'. So they just cobble together a succession of blocks which have no relation to what's happening in the song.
Oh God yes. Some of the people who make them have apparently never heard of the concepts of 'rhythm' or 'beat'. So they just cobble together a succession of blocks which have no relation to what's happening in the song.

Sounds like the way I play, my actions sometimes(most of the time) have no relation to what's happening in the song :p :D
Major Pickle. Most of the maps this guy does are fantastic, some of his recent tracks he's done with another mapper, which are even better.
since doing the campaign, and still stuck on 18

ive gone back to solo and I've bumped up to Expert mode on a lot of them now

ill start putting some score on the board soon for my friends to see :D
im trying to one campaign its about 12b

$100 bill on Hard (or normal)
limit movement to 120m

its impossible

done it

now up to 18, and i gave up lol

I just got to that $100 bill one tonight, got it done with 28m :P . I take it they get much harder the further you get?
Campaign 26 now

Expert one handed is hard !

i couldn't do one of them, so it skipped 25 from 24 lol

lol, yeah it's so hard to get used to.

Did you ever try the no arrows mode? I thought it would be easy because it's just the blocks you can hit in any direction. But, nope, it's so different!!
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