Beat saber


i see what you did there ;)

Hmm, I was looking for the collective noun for beat saberists, but that just sounds like beat and saber and wrists (did you see what I did there) which is also not good.
Anyway, it's an informative channel if you like purple haired Australian ladies that are into waving their arms about to music.
Been playing Pistol Whip, then i hopped over to Beat Saber afterwards, and after playing Pistol Whip, Beat Saber felt a hell of a lot easier

the colours seemed easier to get right and my hand movements where a little different

worth trying if you haven't done so already
haha, just shows how different we all are. I never found Beat Saber easier after Pistol Whip.

But, it was a whole other story when I went from failing at Expert plus levels on Beat Saber to playing Pistol Whip, Pistol Whip became a walk in the park.
I did a little beat saber today. Just a couple of levels on expert. Even managed to get through one with faster notes and ghost notes. Still can't come close to expert+ though.

Might try expert+ at 50% speed next though.
not really

theres twice as many cubes in Expert+ compared to Expert, i cant do Expert+ at 50% :(


Also the Expert+ levels are awkward way around and back to front

I did my first Expert Plus level after Christmas, the song "Be There For You" I had myself a party!! Well, a cup of tea and chocolate biscuit :p

Have come close to completing some other levels. It's a so close, yet so far kind of story right now. I know I am on the verge of breaking through, but can't quite get there.

But, I can't get my head around the blocks where the arrows are at an angle. I can do one or two, but, some of the levels are all angles, I just fall to pieces.
Top 500 for one of them in expert, but still, expert+ is another level.

If I can do an expert plus level, you should be well able. You are a far better player than I am.

You will get back into it and then we will be seeing your name in the top 500 in Expert plus too :)
Did you have any modifiers on your expert+ run? I've been trying quite a few expert+ with slower song setting, feel like with practice I could probably get through a few of them, but not easily.
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