Am i the only person who thinks we need to formulate a plan? It is the same thing everytime this happens there is a load of sympathy and solidarity but where or what is your actual political plan to prevent this in future? France can always change laws but Islam DOES NOT EVER CHANGE! It is the same as 1400yrs ago and will be the same in another 1400. What are Macron and Johnson and Merkel going to do about it?
Nothing! Too weak basically no better than clapping away Covid19. It has zero effect and thus more people are going to die. The numbers say it all Islam is projected to grow in Europe. Want some facts? There are now more Muslims in Europe than many native nationalitys thanks to Globalism. 40million adherants of Islam thats nearly more than the Spanish what happens when Islam outnumbers the Spanish? The Polish? They dwarf the Dutch etc and the same is true of England. There are 2.4m or so Muslims in the UK. If they keep growing they will not only outnumber the Northern Irish which they do by a factor of x2 and more but they will outnumber the Welsh. How do people wake up in the morning knowing you got replaced? There should be a law that says no one can outnumber the Scots or Welsh or NI. It is wrong! The red squirrel is protected from the Grey so why does it not apply to humans? It is disgusting really!
Formulate a plan or elect new leaders, Do away with French citizenship or UK citizenship and make everyone reapply and those who do not follow our values do not get citizenship. It is the only way unless action is taken soon the numbers will increase and so will the attacks. Eventually it will come to the point where they decide they can no longer tolerate the death toll and pass some kind of anti Islam defamation law and that is exactly when Islams victory route will be guaranteed.