Being followed/stalked

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Yes there are but unfortunately the ones he befriends have there own social problems. Two are drug dealers which is amazing in a village with a population of under 1000. I know he does their drug runs and have managed to get a drug marker put on his car.

He does smoke dope, but his allegiance with the dealers is more about using their muscle. I was beaten up by a drug dealer (not from round here) before xmas that the police need a statement from me about.

I don't do any drugs but I enjoy the odd glass of wine.

I should also add he claims to be an ex-member of the Kray gang which of course I think is BS. He is a chauffeur or ex and a well known taxi driver.

From that description, he sounds like the sort of trash you'd find on Jeremy Kyle. That makes the situation trickier. People of that calibre have a habit of being dangerously stupid and throwing caution to the wind.

Good luck.
29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
Sussex is riddled with drug dealers. I don't what other places are like as I've only lived in Sussex since I was 10 (now 34) but out of all the 4 areas I've lived in (Horsham, Henfield, Southwater, Pulborough) - drugs and dealers are rife.

Its exactly the same further down where i'm from, in Lancing, Worthing, Durrington, Goring, Portslade, Alderington, Fishersgate etc etc... Drug dealers all over the place, crime rates are unusually high for towns and villages as small as these as well. I think it was only a few weeks ago, a few days before christmas, that the butchers shop not 20 minutes walk away from my house, was raided by armed robbers.
6 Oct 2004
Unfortunately it seems as though he won't stop. Even so, "meeting him halfway" with threats of violence only shows you in a bad light. Personally, I'd do the following:

Who's saying anything about "meeting him halfway?" I think all the way, plus an extra half on top for good measure would be the appropriate response to this! (/keyboardwarrior).

In all seriousness however, how long do you put up with abuse and harassment and the authorities doing nothing before it's too much?
27 Aug 2004
OP, Westy made some good suggestions further up this page. I've tried to PM you with some more detailed suggestions but your trust is not configured. Please get in touch if you want some professional advice - I'm in a role where I see this type of issue on a daily basis, so I have a lot of experience in dealing with problems similar to yours.
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28 Oct 2003
Its exactly the same further down where i'm from, in Lancing, Worthing, Durrington, Goring, Portslade, Alderington, Fishersgate etc etc... Drug dealers all over the place, crime rates are unusually high for towns and villages as small as these as well.

I live here and it's very nice & quiet round me. No real crime to speak of and I've lived here for 10 years.

But to the OP - if it's a housing association flat he's in then it's them you should be complaining to along with the police. As others have said, log everything in a diary and make repeated, level-headed complains. They will be forced to act as his behaviour is antisocial and almost certainly in contravention of any 'quiet enjoyment' clause in his rental contract.
17 Jul 2008
OP, Westy made some good suggestions further up this page. I've tried to PM you with some more detailed suggestions but your trust is not configured. Please get in touch if you want some professional advice - I'm in a role where I see this type of issue on a daily basis, so I have a lot of experience in dealing with problems similar to yours.

why not post some advice, maybe it would help others..

I assume the guy has mental issues and cannot be reasoned with, and the only solutions involve extreme violence, moving, or framing him for something
3 Jun 2005
West Sussex
West Sussex 'eh? Let me guess... Lancing, Worthing, Southwick, Fishersgate, that sort of area..? It is so nice here...

No I am further up, closer to Surrey.

I didn't want to mention the word Rape, but that was the original accusation however it was common knowledge that the two were having an affair months before.

I will also reiterate I did not live here when the accusations were made. I moved in about 4-5 years later.

I have the police out later this morning so it will be interesting what they have to say.
3 Jun 2005
West Sussex
OP, Westy made some good suggestions further up this page. I've tried to PM you with some more detailed suggestions but your trust is not configured. Please get in touch if you want some professional advice - I'm in a role where I see this type of issue on a daily basis, so I have a lot of experience in dealing with problems similar to yours.

Would really appreciate that I will configure now.
19 Mar 2012
A lot of people claiming senility here but imo 72 isn't too old and he might know precisely what he's doing. He might just be a nasty old *******.

Honestly, I'm utterly a pacifist, but 72 or not, this chap has gone way past the point just being an irritation and standing your ground and defending your way of life some time ago. Keep doing the noting and reporting to the police but equally man up and stand up for yourself.
No way would I have my partner scared to drive or have someone tailgating me all the time.

That last bit.

I wouldn't give a damn how old or even what sex the person was, if someone was intimidating my partner to the point she feared going out and was putting her (and our daughter) at risk then all gloves are off i'm afraid.

Obviously investigate all legal channels first but if nothing happened then i would do anything i knew i could get away with to stop it.
19 May 2005
OP should either stand and bang with him after being followed, or do a brake test on him claim he was rammed from behind by the psycho in his vehice, use previous evidence and reports to show its an on going thing, and beat him senseless under the guise of self defence.

This! Then do it every time he follows you. I doubt he will continue and with him being old he may even lose his licence :cool:.
3 Jun 2005
West Sussex
When I say he is 72, I was very surprised to find that out . If you aged him without knowing I would have put him as about 56-62. He is certainly a fit guy for his age, tall as well at least 6'1.

He is definitely weird though, he drives an old BMW 5 series 520 I believe. He has the local boy racers rice it up. It now has M badges stuck all over it, a knocked off leather interior and a Cherry Bomb silencer. At least we get a giggle when he goes out at that.
21 Oct 2002
Its not right, and I'd of ended up being done myself, but I would have snapped fairly quickly and battered the old **** if it was me.

Especially if he was bothering the missus.
29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
I live here and it's very nice & quiet round me. No real crime to speak of and I've lived here for 10 years.

But to the OP - if it's a housing association flat he's in then it's them you should be complaining to along with the police. As others have said, log everything in a diary and make repeated, level-headed complains. They will be forced to act as his behaviour is antisocial and almost certainly in contravention of any 'quiet enjoyment' clause in his rental contract.

Maybe I notice it more because I have lived in Lancing my whole life. And maybe because i'm a teenager. :rolleyes:
27 Jul 2011
Two are drug dealers which is amazing in a village with a population of under 1000. I know he does their drug runs and have managed to get a drug marker put on his car.

He does smoke dope, but his allegiance with the dealers is more about using their muscle. I was beaten up by a drug dealer (not from round here) before xmas that the police need a statement from me about.

I should also add he claims to be an ex-member of the Kray gang which of course I think is BS.


He is definitely weird though, he drives an old BMW 5 series 520 I believe. He has the local boy racers rice it up. It now has M badges stuck all over it, a knocked off leather interior and a Cherry Bomb silencer. At least we get a giggle when he goes out at that.

This is beginning to sound like an elaborate troll

27 Aug 2004
I live here and it's very nice & quiet round me. No real crime to speak of and I've lived here for 10 years.

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but you have no idea. This is probably because you are a decent, hard-working person who has no real contact with the underclass that surround you. You may live in one of the nicer parts of town, so it may be less obvious. Nevertheless, there are people living around you who inhabit a different world.

I'm not sure which part of Worthing you live in, but there is a marked contrast between, for example, parts of Ferring and parts of Durrington.
1 Feb 2004
Explain to your parents, then allow him to follow you there so they can make a complaint to the police to add to your evidence. Perhaps even call the police when you are there so they can see that he's actually followed you there and confront him

If he continues, lodge another complaint and take a drive down to the police station with him following, perhaps have the police greet him
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