Being Sued by Atari/Davenport !

So you think it's perfectly fine to break the law?

Oh so it’s as black and white as that? You’re telling me you have never broken a single law? Never gone over the speed limit? Never drunk alcohol underage etc?. Really annoys me when people act so self righteous. Get a grip.

The op is asking for advice on something he has already done, not life guidance.

If I were in your position (op) I’d ignore it.
you avoided my entire argument, well done.

Need to look a little closer to home for that particular skill I think. Just because you can't afford something, or choose to spend your money on other "stuff" doesn't make it right to then use fraud or other dishonest means to get luxuries that you decide you like the look of.

Not even if other people have them. :/

Actually clearly you can't get to grips with that basic concept so it really is pointless discussing it with you further.

You're happy to be dishonest so that's up to you and the people you defraud. /shrug
Need to look a little closer to home for that particular skill I think. Just because you can't afford something, or choose to spend your money on other "stuff" doesn't make it right to then use fraud or other dishonest means to get luxuries that you decide you like the look of.

Not even if other people have them. :/

Actually clearly you can't get to grips with that basic concept so it really is pointless discussing it with you further.

You're happy to be dishonest so that's up to you and the people you defraud. /shrug

Have you ever watched a movie in your own home with more than 12 people?

There's one of these threads at least once a month, where we have half the thread blatantly admitting to piracy, and yet the threads stay open. The FAQ state that no warez talk will take place, and yet people in this thread have discussed how best not to get caught downloading pirated material.

Quote me the posts where people have specifically given instructions to avoid downloading specifically and only illegal content. :) This thread is discussing the moral, legal and practical stance of modern piracy and does not breach the forum rules. That's why it's not been closed.

Have you ever watched a movie in your own home with more than 12 people?
Errr... no, don't think so, I live in a house not a cinema.

In any case What I chose to do or not do is my own business, it's not me going "to the internet" to try to justify my choices :D . Like I say, honesty is a personal choice, not a by product of class or income.

Make your choices and live with them, rather than coming up with some kind of psyco babble about hedonism to try to justify yourself on an internet forum of people that really don't care.

The OP made his choice and got caught. Now I'm not saying he should roll over and cough up the cash, he just needs to make another informed choice and he'll either be left alone, or get a summons. /shrug
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No-one's seeking justification here; part of debate is putting forward your opinion, it'd be pretty bland conversation otherwise.

I understand the concept thanks pal, there's no need to attempt to insult my intelligence. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying that i download for x and y reasons and you don't because you've got the spare cash not to; am i wrong?

I don't suppose you'd be so good as to tell us what you, or daddy, earns would you? ;)
I'm saying that i download for x and y reasons and you don't because you've got the spare cash not to; am i wrong?
Yep, you're wrong. I don't because although I don't have "spare" cash I either chose not to spend what cash I do have on something else if I want to buy a game, or I just make do without the game. We're not talking about the essentials of life here and not having a game this month isn't the end of the world. You apparently believe the world owes you luxuries beyond that which you can afford at any given time for free. :/

I don't suppose you'd be so good as to tell us what you, or daddy, earns would you? ;)
Back to that chip on your shoulder eh? Are you looking for some kind of sympathy?
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Surely the issue here is the fact that the game was allegedly shared on services (e.g. Bittorent) which by design uploads the file to others whilst it is also being downloading resulting in a potential loss of earnings from the game since many people will receive copies of said game.

Whether one chooses to acquire copyrighted material via these services or not is entirely up to them, and they decide if they are prepared to accept the risk or not, which i would imagine isn't that great. Ultimately it's personal choice and those should be prepared to face the potential circumstances, however, again it's their choice.

As far as these self righteous, 'you deserve to be caught' and 'I've never so much as broken a law in my life, don't you know' posts are concerned they are entirely irrelevant and a waste of forum space. :p
We're not talking about the essentials of life here and not having a game this month isn't the end of the world. You apparently believe the world owes you luxuries beyond that which you can afford at any given time for free. :/

i'll draw your attention to:

You could argue that, in which case, "games and music are not a right" of mine. But you only live this life once and if you think that I'm going to restrict myself to things that are only within my personal economics and nothing more than, frankly, sod off. As a species we're hedonistic by nature, with few exceptions, and that doesn't look like changing any time soon.
i don't think the world owes it to me, i think i owe it to myself; hence the hedonism

None, obviously, they purposefully drive at 29mph and hold a sign out the window reading, "Look at me, I'm adhering to the speed limit. The rest of you who are even only 1mph over are scum, may I have my gold meddle and OBE now?" :p
at the end of the day breaking the law, is breaking the law - speeding is more risky cos it can cost lives, so think before ppl go off the handle at the ppl who claim to D/L and break copyright infringments

I am not saying people should illegally download, but if a fellow forumite wishes too, is there any need to flame him/her down so much.
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