this keyboard warrior business is not only tired, it's entirely irrelevant.
Well of course it does, you can afford to choose to pay for your hedonism. I cannot, but that's not going to stop me leading as fulfilled and colourful a life as you have. Why should it?
I'm neither tight, nor lazy, nor any other negative "working class" adjectives you wish to bander around. I work hard in a job i enjoy and i shall spread the money i earn out into as many facets as possible; and this choice of mine allows me to do that. Putting as little in to get as much as i can out is a pretty basic philosphy that has served me pretty well.
i'm not ridiculing people or said that honesty is a bad thing, what a preposterous suggestion; you've called me pathetic, lazy, tight and dishonest and I'M ridiculing people?
ps. Calling some rich kid a rich kid isn't ridiculing him, its bloody true!