Being Sued by Atari/Davenport !

no its not
its like you designing somthing say you spent 5 years of your life amd £100,000 of your own money developing it.
you make £10 profit from all your har work but some joe average theif makes £1000 for making copys then its not exactly fair is it

people who copy games/cd's/video's are common crooks and are spoiling new releases for us who are willing to pay

if more people were took to court in the first place maybe things would be diffrent

Your assuming an individual would buy it if they couldn't download it.
I cannot quantify if something is too expensive without sampling said thing.

I see a game priced at £40.

Could be a great game, worth £40, or so terrible that they should pay me to play it. I won't know until I play it though.

Yay for circular arguments! :D

its not a circular argument. either wait for a demo, or wait for a friend to buy it and try their copy.

would you pirate it and then buy it if you liked it? if so thats what i said above was it not? if not and you keep it, then you have no argument - like i said, your only doing it because you dont want to pay. cheap.
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I made the mistake of BUYING alone in the dark before downloading it since there was no demo, turned out to be boring and NOT worth £30 I paid for it and in *** end sold it for £15 - a considerable loss for a brand new game.

I only wish i had downloaded it but ran out of rapidshare download credits and wanted to play it that day.

Live and learn....
its not a circular argument. either wait for a demo, or wait for a friend to buy it and try their copy.

would you pirate it and then buy it if you liked it? if so thats what i said above was it not? if not, then you have no argument - like i said, your only doing it because you dont want to pay. cheap.

Which is exactly what I do, but everyone says that whether they do or not, so no-one believes those who do.

And I know it isn't a circular argument, I'm just talking ******** to make the day pass quicker ;)
lol why pay when you can get it for free

i haven't got 2 500gb internal and 3 320gb external hard drives for no reason :p
i dunno... there's an awful LOT of high and mighty here; Not surprising really when there's a very high % of rich kid on these forums, compared to general society anyway. Have those people never smoked the herb once, or sped in a car, or got on a train without paying for a ticket?

If you say you've never EVER knowingly done something even slightly illegal then sorry, but you're a liar.

The justification for repeatedly downloading is a difficult one; i do it as and when i want some new entertainment and the number of games, movies and music I've ever bought probably numbers under 20. I download for free because there are other areas of my life, which i can't get for free, that I'd rather spend my limited means on.

You could argue that, in which case, "games and music are not a right" of mine. Isn't that right Stoofa? You agree with that don't you, rich boy? But you only live this life once and if you think that I'm going to restrict myself to things that are only within my personal economics and nothing more than, frankly, sod off. As a species we're hedonistic by nature, with few exceptions, and that doesn't look like changing any time soon.

Pathetic post TBH, how much money you have doesn't make a difference to if you feel it's Ok to be dishonest or not.

If you were talking about a loaf of bread to feed a starving family it's one thing. To rip off games music and films because you're too tight or lazy to earn the money to pay for them is just down to greed and your level of honesty.

If you're happy to be dishonest and rip stuff off, fine, that's your business but don't try and ridicule people for saying hoensty is a good thing ffs :rolleyes:
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I think it's more that keyboard warriors have such big chips on their shoulders about piracy, when there are far worse things in this world to get their knickers in a twist over.

But whatever people need to make themselves feel better about their lives, right?
I think it's more that keyboard warriors have such big chips on their shoulders about piracy, when there are far worse things in this world to get their knickers in a twist over.

But whatever people need to make themselves feel better about their lives, right?

Like that one person who complained about top Gear the other week. I bet he's an OCUKER too... :p
Pathetic post TBH, how much money you have doesn't make a difference to if you feel it's Ok to be dishonest or not.

If you were talking about a loaf of bread to feed a starving family it's one thing. To rip off games music and films because you're too tight or lazy to earn the money to pay for them is just down to greed and your level of honesty.

If you're happy to be dishonest and rip stuff off, fine, that's your business but don't try and ridicule people for saying hoensty is a good thing ffs :rolleyes:

He is completely right, on ocuk there are far more people against piracy than on the streets. The poorer people are, the more willing to pirate things they are...

I think it's more that keyboard warriors have such big chips on their shoulders about piracy, when there are far worse things in this world to get their knickers in a twist over.

Agreed, complain about more important things, like congestion or the rising fuel costs :p.
Like that one person who complained about top Gear the other week. I bet he's an OCUKER too... :p
Only if he's the one complaining they only feature expensive cars beyond the reach of poor people.

Perhaps they should have "Top Chav" where they review the best cars to nick, razz around the place and then dump. Of course they'd have to caveat it by saying they'd have never have bought one anyway and they dumped so it was available for the owners again the next morning so no one was really deprived of their property. :D
Funniest thing here is the "Keyboard warriors" attempting to justify their Illegal doings.

I have the option to download illegal stuff, It's there for everone to do, and it's extremely easy to do.

It's down to a persons principals
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I think it's more that keyboard warriors have such big chips on their shoulders about piracy, when there are far worse things in this world to get their knickers in a twist over.

But whatever people need to make themselves feel better about their lives, right?
Seems to be the view of the pirates... They know it's dishonest and have to come on forums as keyboard warriors trying to justify themselves.

If you want to be dishonest, fine, get on with it. There's more important things in the world to worry about other than dishonest people trying to brow beat others into thinking they are justified.
Seems to be the view of the pirates... They know it's dishonest and have to come on forums as keyboard warriors trying to justify themselves.

If you want to be dishonest, fine, get on with it. There's more important things in the world to worry about other than dishonest people trying to brow beat others into thinking they are justified.

Davenport are trying to claim money by menace which in itself is dishonest, the law should be change so that it is illegal to directly claim a sum not set by the court.
*shrug* If Davenport are doing something unlawfull/illegal someone affected should take them to court. Perhaps send them a letter telling them thier letter has caused unjustified distress and unless £500 is forthcoming they will be referred to the small claims court for unspecified damages :D
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