Belgian Grand Prix 2012, Spa-Francorchamps - Race 12/20

6 Jun 2005
We'll have to agree to disagree. I assume your driver of the day is JB?

While his lights-to-flag was impeccable (and definitely his best result for a long time) he was out of sight for the whole race, all he had to do was keep his nose clean.

Seb on the other hand got through the pile-up, made up nine places to be on the podium and had to overtake people to do it.

It's like an argument we might have had last year but in reverse. :p

he avoided the pile up because he lost five places at the start lol, otherwise he may well have been right in the middle of it

Overtaking people sounds like he has to pass comparable cars - which he didnt

Im pretty sure most people wouldnt have thought LH had a good race when he was demoted to the back and just got into the top ten (even though he overtook even more cars, its not the number of cars /drivers you overtake its the quality of those combinations that counts

(just like overtaking Paul Di Resta wasnt all that hard yesterday because he had no functioning KERS)
22 Nov 2005

schumacher had no 6th gear at that point which is how he was slow down from la source but fast again after eau rouge

You could also look at Schumachers move on Barrichello at Hungary too. Schumacher new exactly where Barrichello was and knew exactly what he was doing when he squeezed him wide.
forced him wide with no direction change? lol...

barrichello knew exactly what he was doing when he decided to drive over the white line on the inside to overtake outside of the track. its not like schumacher had already picked his line and left the outside open... oh wait.

the amount of times hamilton crashed with massa and never got a race ban makes me think grosjean doesnt deserve one either.

and what about button at canada last year? pushed hamilton into the pitwall and then spun alonso not even an investigation by the stewards
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23 Jan 2012
he avoided the pile up because he lost five places at the start lol, otherwise he may well have been right in the middle of it

Overtaking people sounds like he has to pass comparable cars - which he didnt

You make it sound like dropping some places to avoid an accident that could ruin your race a bad thing and IIRC didn't he drop from 10th to 12th (not entirely sure on that, will have to check)?

Also he overtook cars which MW couldn't, I'm not saying that it was drive of the day but it was a good job and they were good overtakes. He was overtaking cars which had higher top speeds than the RB was set up for which meant he made the passes where the RB had the advantage. All the drivers will try to overtake where there car has the advantage.
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22 Nov 2005
Hamilton is still the record holder
Lewis Hamilton (McLaren)Lewis Hamilton (McLaren)
Impeding Vitaly Petrov during Q2. Warning Australian Grand Prix
Made more than one change of direction to defend a position. Drive through penalty (20 secs added to elapsed time). Malaysian Grand Prix
The driver set his personal best sector time in Sector 2 while yellow flags were displayed at turn 4. Reprimand. Spanish Grand Prix
Q3 time removed for cutting a chicane. Monaco Grand Prix
Caused a collision with car 12, (Maldonado) drive through penalty post race, 20 seconds added to elapsed time, . Monaco Grand Prix
Caused a collision with car 6 (Massa), drive through penalty. Monaco Grand Prix
Incident involving Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) and Jenson Button (McLaren) No further action, Canadian Grand Prix
Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) and Mark Webber (Red Bull) Used DRS in wet during FP1, no action taken, British Grand Prix
Speeding in the pitlane during Friday FP, fined €1200, German Grand Prix
Spin on track causing Paul di Resta to take evasive action, drive through penalty, Hungarian Grand Prix
Causing a collision with car 12, reprimand, Belgian Grand Prix
Causing a collision with car 6 (Massa), drive through penalty, Singapore Grand Prix
Set fasted sector time under waved yellow flags during FP2, no further action, Japanese Grand Prix
Incident with car 6 at turn 16, no further action, Japanese Grand Prix
Ignored double waved yellow flags during FP1, 3 place grid drop, Indian Grand Prix

grosjean looks like a saint in comparison and maldonado doesnt look to bad either but unfortunately they arent british

i could imagine the fallout on here if it was someone else that leaked telemetry onto twitter or posted wtf comments lol
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6 Jun 2005
You make it sound like dropping some places to avoid an accident that could ruin your race a bad thing and IIRC didn't he drop from 10th to 12th (not entirely sure on that, will have to check)?.
He said in the post race interview it was five he dropped (but I havent checked either)

Im just saying that he probably didnt drop the places on purpose - ie it was a "happy accident" that he managed to have a bad start on the day a good start would have taken him out of the race within 30 seconds
Also he overtook cars which MW couldn't, I'm not saying that it was drive of the day but it was a good job and they were good overtakes. He was overtaking cars which had higher top speeds than the RB was set up for which meant he made the passes where the RB had the advantage. All the drivers will try to overtake where there car has the advantage.

Thats why he is a double world champion and Mark isnt - its not exactly something to write home about any more (if it ever was)

Absolute top speed means nothing if the balance isnt good / if the rest of the car isnt performing as it should.

the RB will be better than 90% of the cars he overtook yesterday on every track this year (and bare in mind Horner , and a lot of others, have said RB's weakness is qualifying , and "we are better in race trim" (yes I believe Horner said exactly this a couple of times yesterday after the race)
8 Mar 2007
Hamilton is still the record holder


There are 4 'no further action' incidents in there, brining him to 12 penalties in a season, which is the same number Maldonado has from just 12 races.

But do go on...

Edit: I fail at counting, its 11 penalties, meaning Maldonado is already ahead of him :rolleyes:

Toot toot! Here comes the Hamilton bashing bandwagon!
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22 Nov 2005
you know the person to set a record first holds the record right?

hamilton wasnt exactly new to f1 then either where as maldonado is practicly a rookie as is grosjean

nice double standards though , grosjean makes a few mistakes and people are glad he gets a race a ban.

hamilton has loads of clangers when hes not new to f1 and should know better yet omg its cos hes black
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8 Mar 2007
you know the person to set a record first holds the record right?

Uh.... what? :confused:

nice double standards though , grosjean makes a few mistakes and people are glad he gets a race a ban

Who's said that? Pretty much everyone has said it seems harsh for the exact reasons you are stating, because other drivers have done worse things and got much lower penalties.

I don't really get what your trying to argue?
18 Dec 2010
a few mistakes ?

he's been involved in 7 first lap incidents out of 12 races this season

combine that with his debut season in 2009 where he was also involved in countless incidents and its not really that harsh, although perhaps a little inconsistent due to a thug like maldonado never being banned for worse offences.
18 Dec 2010
you know the person to set a record first holds the record right?

hamilton wasnt exactly new to f1 then either where as maldonado is practicly a rookie as is grosjean

nice double standards though , grosjean makes a few mistakes and people are glad he gets a race a ban.

hamilton has loads of clangers when hes not new to f1 and should know better yet omg its cos hes black

i was reading this thread thinking how nice it was too not have an F1 thread full of fanboyish chumps like the knuckledraggers that populate the autosport forum, then i read your posts :(
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18 Dec 2010
Is that because you can't list them?

Did i i make the stats up then mr men ? did ferrari make them up ? Did Gary Anderson make them up ? Did Andrew Benson make them up ? Did Adam Cooper make them up ? Did the entire F1 paddock make them up ?

Mr Men and Arknor know best yes ?
18 Dec 2010
ok here you go, i can only think of 6, im sure someone else will fill in the 7th.

Australia: Wrecks with Maldonaldo
Malaysia: Colides with Schumacher, spins into gravel
Spain: Punctures Perez's tire, finishes 4th
Monaco: Clips Alonso, retires 1st lap
Britain: Punctures di Resta's tire, finishes 6th
Belgium: Colides with Hamilton, nearly takes off Alonso's head

in future go and find your own stats you lazy buggers
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