Belgian Grand Prix 2012, Spa-Francorchamps - Race 12/20

5 May 2006
fair play on the sauber point but it was still quicker than 22 other cars on the grid...

also alonso started on pole position in germany, surely if we are going to do this ridiculous generalisation thing then he had the fastest car on the grid as quali times seem to be the basis for most people saying the "mclaren is the fastest car on the grid".

As for Valencia he drove very well but again he came into a huge amount of luck and generally up until yesterday has had a lot of luck go his way this season (whilst also driving very well it has to be said)

He started on pole in Germany thanks to a wet qual though which kind of negates car performance somewhat, same at Silverstone.
18 Dec 2010
/waves to DecoySA, don't think you've posted in F1 threads before? If not, Welcome, if so, sorry I've not noticed before lol :)

i had no idea there was a motorsport forum, i used to check the sports forum but never saw any thread and just assumed everyone here hated F1 lol
18 Dec 2010
He started on pole in Germany thanks to a wet qual though which kind of negates car performance somewhat, same at Silverstone.

yeah but again that proves my point, nothing is as clear as it seems hence why these generalisations about best cars are pointless, especially this season where car performance across the grid has been all over the place due to the tyres.

please note im not knocking the guy, i think he is the most complete driver in f1 i just think people get a little carried away with "omg he's winning in third best car, not even senna could do that" stance
5 May 2006
yeah but again that proves my point, nothing is as clear as it seems hence why these generalisations about best cars are pointless, especially this season where car performance across the grid has been all over the place due to the tyres.

please note im not knocking the guy, i think he is the most complete driver in f1 i just think people get a little carried away with "omg he's winning in third best car, not even senna could do that" stance

It's not really been all over the place, the title standings show the same usual suspects at the top.
18 Dec 2010
It's not really been all over the place, the title standings show the same usual suspects at the top.

because class eventually rises to the top, that doesn't mean it hasn't been all over the place.

one race mercedes cruised to victory, the next they struggle massively.

Williams won a race, no one would have predicted that at the start of the season.

compared to other seasons this one has been all over the place, its undeniable.

its settled down a bit in recent races but the first third of the season no one could really work out who had the best car in terms of race pace because no one had worked out how to figure the tyres out on a regular basis in all conditions/temperatures.
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8 Mar 2007
being involved in previous accidents shouldnt be a determining factor or consideration for the stewards anyway.

Unless its Hamilton, in which case every incident he's ever been involved in, plus how long he has been in the sport, should all be taken into account?

FIA levels of consistency from you there.
5 May 2006
Unless its Hamilton, in which case every incident he's ever been involved in, plus how long he has been in the sport, should all be taken into account?

FIA levels of consistency from you there.

They do have a reprimand system in place no? think Lewis has had a fair few of them.
5 May 2006
because class eventually rises to the top, that doesn't mean it hasn't been all over the place.

one race mercedes cruised to victory, the next they struggle massively.

Williams won a race, no one would have predicted that at the start of the season.

compared to other seasons this one has been all over the place, its undeniable.

its settled down a bit in recent races but the first third of the season no one could really work out who had the best car in terms of race pace because no one had worked out how to figure the tyres out on a regular basis in all conditions/temperatures.

But in general you would have to say the Ferrari has not been as strong as McLaren and Red Bull over the season so far.
18 Dec 2010
i wouldn't make general statements like that, thats my whole point :p

it looks at things too basically when so many other factors have come into play to make cars competitive/uncompetitve in varying conditions/races.

however if you put a gun to my head and said decide how good the ferrari is in normal dry conditions id currently put it joint second with the red bull.

its a shame we couldn't see how good its real pace is this weekend due to alonso getting taken out but massa looked more competitive than usual (duking it out with webber) so i think the car is currently looking pretty damn good.
18 Oct 2002
he avoided the pile up because he lost five places at the start lol, otherwise he may well have been right in the middle of it

Overtaking people sounds like he has to pass comparable cars - which he didnt

Im pretty sure most people wouldnt have thought LH had a good race when he was demoted to the back and just got into the top ten (even though he overtook even more cars, its not the number of cars /drivers you overtake its the quality of those combinations that counts

(just like overtaking Paul Di Resta wasnt all that hard yesterday because he had no functioning KERS)

Other than JB, who had a better race than Seb yesterday?



6 Mar 2008
Interesting about Jackie Stewart offering Grosjean a sit down and talking to...

Earlier this year, triple world champion Jackie Stewart, who is an advisor to Lotus, offered to sit down with Grosjean and give him some advice about the way he approached his races.

Stewart is famous not only for his campaign for safety in F1 but also for his impeccable driving standards during his career. He has helped many drivers in his time, but Grosjean turned him down.

Maybe he should have taken that offer up...
22 Nov 2005
Unless its Hamilton, in which case every incident he's ever been involved in, plus how long he has been in the sport, should all be taken into account?

FIA levels of consistency from you there.
I was making a point...

lewis has had more than his fair share of accidents that he was the cause of during a single season and he got of fairly lightly even though at the time he had a few years under his belt in f1.

grosjean is very green and generally any incidents hes been involved in havent been malicious or brain rage yet he gets a very hefty 1 race ban for what was basicly a racing incident caused by inexperience.

if he had simply collided with lewis and only those 2 got taken out would he still have had this ban? or it it only because a car came pretty close to spearing alonso's head?

Maybe he should have taken that offer up...
maybe jackie should crawl back into his cave and stop banging the safety drum? if he had his way formula one would be padded cells on wheels

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

I can see pastor punting someone off at Eau Rouge / some kind of massive first corner incident.

Taking out Alonso would really set up the championship :D

I was right! Although it wasn't shown where Maldonado punted Glock, it must have been at la source?

I pray that Grosjean never tries to overtake Maldonado on the first lap of a GP. The world will implode :D
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