Best Amiga game ever?

Wow, that post above with the ST rant made my day. Took me way back. I never realized that that war was still being kept alive and kicking in some corner of the net, even 30 years or so later. People still getting hot under the collar after all this time. What a magnificent grudge! Wonderful!

Anyway, my favourite Amiga game: Carrier Command.

Just bought Carrier Command 2 for the PC last week, and I'm quite chuffed with it. Both Hostile Waters and Carrier Command Gaia Mission were excellent too.
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Chaos Engine
Fire & Ice
Magic Pockets
Cannon Fodder

and a great helicopter game where one of the missions involved looking for a submarine in a glacier - but cant remember the name.
Kick off 2
Closely followed by Elite and stunt car racer.

Good shout out for paradroid 90. A fab game indeed

A few years ago I went to a sensible software Vs bitmap bros convention at Cambridge computer museum. Was cool having beers with the folk I revered as a teenager.

Bitmap Brothers "won" but it was close.
Wow, that post above with the ST rant made my day. Took me way back. I never realized that that war was still being kept alive and kicking in some corner of the net, even 30 years or so later. People still getting hot under the collar after all this time. What a magnificent grudge! Wonderful!

Haha, yes love it. I was enjoying the nostalgic memories from all the games being mentioned, but a good little Amiga/ST rivalry is the icing!
Man games were better. Maybe rose tinted glasses but very few modern games get my mojo like the old games.

Gameplay was much better. More thought into the game rather than bling.
Dungeon Master was probably my favourite though I didn't own an Amiga for that long and didn't have many games for it.

Come to think of it, I believe the one I had was borrowed from a family member.
I still have an Amiga 1000 (sadly sans monitor which was faulty and I gave it away, wish I'd kept it now as it would be worth fixing now).

A lot of the games I really enjoyed were the early ones, because even though the games were primitive compared to later ones they were impressive coming from a C64. They included:

Marble Madness
Defender Of The Crown
F/A 18 Interceptor
Flight Simulator
Faery Tale Adventure
Arctic Fox
Battle Chess
Hacker 2

I also did a lot of graphics in Deluxe Paint, and composed some music mods in Soundtracker.
Loved Powermonger and it’s ww1 expansion.

Populous 2

in fact most bullfrog game were great.

Shadow of beast 1 and 2, those graphics.

Swiv, great follow up to Silkworm as a shooter.
Vote for Dune or settlers…..moving to early days of PC, Star Trek final Unity….

Why is it I can recall old games more than modern games…. Something missing nowadays even for all the glitzy graphics….
In no particular order as they were all sensational, golden age of games development:

Sensible World Of Soccer 96/97
Championship Manager
Speedball 2
Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back & Dungeon Master 2
International Karate +
Liberation: Captive 2
so many fantastic titles in this thread, a lot of which have stood the test of time really well actually (I am playing a lot of the old 8 / 16 bit games with my 5 year old lad. i kind of want him to see these earlier games before being shock and awed by modern games.
I failed dismally as he now plays new games as well but he does still like these older games which is great as i get to play them too :)

I dont want to derail any more and am sure people already know, but LEgend of grimrock will absolutely scratch that dungeon master itch, and Satellite reign is the spiritual successor to syndicate. worth a look.

PS i have not noticed any love for Midwinter yet. that was a good - but hard - game. Way ahead of its time really.
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