Best Amiga game ever?

geeza said:
ive googled for it and found nothing but a game called 'Project one' was the first game I played. I was about 7 at the time (think it was my 7th birthday) my mum and dad ended up playing project one more than me and i think my dad became addicted!

He got further than me anyway. It was a horizontal shooter and the first level had hover crafts and the boss was an octopus thing, the second level was in space and the 3rd was futuristic. Damn that game was hard.

this ?
I just remembered another - LEGENDS OF VALOUR!

This game really was the precursor to Oblivion! And it even did something that games like oblivion still cannot do - you could look out of (or into) the windows of a house and actually see what was happening through them! Amazing that no other rpg game has managed this simple thing.
Just thought of 2 more

Rise Of the Robots (on something silly like 15 floppy's)
Simon the Sorcerer.

:Edit: and another, Base Jumpers!
the last games i was playing in 95 before switching to a Pentium1 were,

Indianapolis 500 (papyrus awesome drive in circes sim, do 199 laps then crash into a wall on the last lap arrghhhhh!)
Pinball Dreams (Nightmare table was fantastic!)
Captive? (endless dungeon hack)
Frontier:Elite2 (planetary nuke runs, just brilliant hehe)
nero120 said:
I just remembered another - LEGENDS OF VALOUR!

This game really was the precursor to Oblivion! And it even did something that games like oblivion still cannot do - you could look out of (or into) the windows of a house and actually see what was happening through them! Amazing that no other rpg game has managed this simple thing.

Aye I remember reading someting along the lines of PC game first 1st person RPG and I thought what about Legend Of Valor.

My mum bought me this on the Amiga many moons ago and the disk swapping (at the time no hard-drive) was incredible.

Average game though sadly.

This thread has brought back some good memories :)

I spent hours and hours on just a few games on the A500 & A1200.

Elite; Frontier
Dungeon Master
Monkey Island
Eye of Beholder
Pools of Radiance (D&D Game)
Sim City & Sim City 2000 (god damn that was slow!!)

Sigh :)
Aye must admit I forgot about Settlers - quality game...

Also forgot about a game called Beneath A Steel Sky... Floyd the robot rocked!

chaos engine, alien breed, syndicate, sensi soccer, speedball, cannon fodder, desert strike, stunt car racer, and a flight sim i cant remember the name off... it was by DID and had fighter planes in like F-111, tornado etc...

not in any order as i think syndicate was the best game ever. :)
I have:

2 x A1200s
1 x A600
3 x C64s

1 x A600 1MB Upgrade
1 x A1200 25Mhz 8MB Upgrade
3 x C2N Tape
2 x 1541 MK2 5 1/4" FDD
1 x Action Replay MK VI

I think that's most of my Commodore related stuff!

I can't believe that no one has mentioned Bubble Bobble, I must have spent every Saturday night round at a mates house playing that until Hitman and Her came on! That is until we completed it!!

Reading through it is pretty clear that the Bitmap Brothers games are leading followed by Cinemaware games. I reckon that is about right.

IK+ was the first and best fighting game I ever played and Lotus was the first and best driving game.
Far to many good games to pick one, my top 5 in no order would have to be:

Speedball 2
Eye of the Beholder 2
Sensible Soccer 95/96
Escape from Monkey Island

Still have my A500+ and most of my games with boxes in the roof, may have to get the old girl out!
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