Best mATX conroe capable board for sensible money

if i was gonna spend 70 quid on a mATX board i would go for the
GigaByte GA-G33M-DS2R, or wait it out and see what the Foxconn G33M is gonna be like
Tosk said:
if i was gonna spend 70 quid on a mATX board i would go for the
GigaByte GA-G33M-DS2R, or wait it out and see what the Foxconn G33M is gonna be like

Apparantly you need really good memory for that board as it has no 1:1 divider.
yea i was told that to Tute, but ppl think gigabyte will be fixing that
within 1 of there bios updates
Tosk said:
yea i was told that to Tute, but ppl think gigabyte will be fixing that
within 1 of there bios updates

Maybe, however you still have to take it into account in case they don't fix it.

It is also an Intel chipset IIRC and we all know about Intel's track record when it comes to chipsets for overclocking Core 2 Duo boards, they always seem to include something that makes it trickier to get a good overclock.
sr4470 said:
Abit IP95 apparently clocks well, despite being based on a VIA chipset.

Who told that bare-faced lie? Not the OcUK reviews that they won't change even though they have been begged, threatened etc. etc?

Don't believe a word of it. It's all lies - lies and more lies. The only true comment is the guy asking where to find the overclocking features. I'm pretty convinced most of the OcUK website reviews are completely made up. If you count how many are written by forum members, there are very, very few.

And ask yourself this - If that motherboard at £35 did overclock like a demon, wouldn't we all be buying it, instead of DS3's etc? Of course we would.
tsinc80697 said:
can get it brand new through google checkout for £40, will have to see how much that one is with postage thanks!

£7 difference for b-grade or new, might aswell go with the new just as I always have problems with ever windows build I've ever made, windows hates me!

Hmmmm - Bad workman, tools etc. etc. :p I don't blame you going for the new one though.
WJA96 said:
Who told that bare-faced lie? Not the OcUK reviews that they won't change even though they have been begged, threatened etc. etc?

Don't believe a word of it. It's all lies - lies and more lies. The only true comment is the guy asking where to find the overclocking features. I'm pretty convinced most of the OcUK website reviews are completely made up. If you count how many are written by forum members, there are very, very few.

And ask yourself this - If that motherboard at £35 did overclock like a demon, wouldn't we all be buying it, instead of DS3's etc? Of course we would.

Which is why I said apparently. Thats why I've been asking around trying to ascertain if it actually does overclock. I saw similar comments around the web in more than one place, I should add...
WJA96 said:
Hmmmm - Bad workman, tools etc. etc. :p I don't blame you going for the new one though.

The build is always fine, but everytime between 4weeks-few months something will die randomly, had so many hard drives, memory failures and CPUs dying on me :/
Tosk said:
if i was gonna spend 70 quid on a mATX board i would go for the
GigaByte GA-G33M-DS2R, or wait it out and see what the Foxconn G33M is gonna be like
What sort of fsb will we expect from these boards?
Search the motherboards section. I have a thread on there somewhere regarding the gigabyte, I recently havn't had the time to get mine to its full potential.
However i know the Gigabyte can get Massive FSBs.
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