Best youtubers to follow?

Never followed anyone so I don't know their names but there are some hilarious videos out there. I love the one with the Scandinavian-sounding guy who did that hilarious Bob video in Surgeon Simulator. Had me in stitches, I'll see if I can find it again later.
Yogscast Sips and Sjin! The rest of the guys signed to the channel are also great but they're my favourites. Boogie2988 is pretty awesome to, great game related content and his different characters are very funny.
Rechyy\Clayman - Good FPS and its fun to watch some of his CS:S stuff
TB - Although I am really starting to go off him as he just moans a lot
Seannaners - No one should have that much fun playing games
Pewdiepie - I actually find his playthroughs entertaining

I am sure there are more but they do not jump out at me.
On a superficial level, Angry Joe looks like the kinda douchebag I normally hate, but when I watched a bit more of his videos, I actually started to like him, a lot. His reviews are usually very thorough and fair, even when I disagree with him, his criticisms are usually spot-on. His coverage of E3 and such is usually pretty fun too. Sometimes he can be a bit too much, too ranty or too immature, but still, all in good fun. Subscribed.

TB I have subbed too, he is good for giving general impressions of games, for the most part.

Other than those, I like Matt Lees on videogamer, he is hilariously awesome.

And on Dtoid, Max Scoville is great.

I feel the same way about Angry Joe - initially he comes across very shouty, but give him some time, and his passion for games really does shine through with some very good material. I liked his reviews of Civ V and X-Com especially.

The only problem I have with his channel is that he does do a lot of reviews for games and genres that I don't care about, but thats more of an issue with my personal taste than anything else! :D

Great to see some other suggestions in this thread. I will be sure to check out Scott Manley, Nerd3, and those you mentioned Paul_cz.
It's been more like a year since he's done much on YT. Probably only 3 or 4 reviews since last summer.

He was easily my favourite youtuber and, in fact, was why I started watching youtube at all (started with one of his "worst games of 20xx" vids). It's a shame that he's moved almost his whole gig over to Twitch - I don't watch Twitch at all, and don't really have the time to watch live streams.

Yeah, looking at my sub feed - most of his youtube stuff is either paid promotions or things that don't interest me. His reviews were his draw, but after setting up Angry Army that has obviously become his focus.
TB, Jesse Cox (his play through of Farcry 3 and Fahrenheit were fantastic,) Dodger (especially if you like romance sims lol,) Boogie2988, Jim Sterling, ZiggyD gaming are ones I enjoy.
That's not true at all, if you'd said some youtubers I'd agree but it's definitely not nearly all, unless you mean nearly all of the incredibly popular ones.

well the ones big enough to get any interest from the big studios.

sick of seeing RONGA in the corner, actually just unsubscribing from anyone I see doing it now.

they are no better than the gaming review sites that sold out years ago like IGN
I like Angry Joe, Criken, ProJared and Maximilian Dood. Joe and Criken's stuff has lacking recently though, but they do have quite a few things going on in the background I believe.

I'm also subscribed to Game Informer, I really like the Replay and Super Replay series they do, I've had some genuine moments crying with laughter watching them.
On a superficial level, Angry Joe looks like the kinda douchebag I normally hate, but when I watched a bit more of his videos, I actually started to like him, a lot. His reviews are usually very thorough and fair, even when I disagree with him, his criticisms are usually spot-on. His coverage of E3 and such is usually pretty fun too. Sometimes he can be a bit too much, too ranty or too immature, but still, all in good fun. Subscribed.

I use to enjoy angryjoe reviews but hes pretty much forgotten about his youtube subs over the last 2 months having done 1 paltry review and thats it. Hes absolutely pounding twitch

It's been more like a year since he's done much on YT. Probably only 3 or 4 reviews since last summer.

He was easily my favourite youtuber and, in fact, was why I started watching youtube at all (started with one of his "worst games of 20xx" vids). It's a shame that he's moved almost his whole gig over to Twitch - I don't watch Twitch at all, and don't really have the time to watch live streams.

I do agree. Angy Joe points out inexcusable issues, makes fun of money grabbing nonsense, gives credit where it's due, makes really good suggestions and he's bloody hilarious. A true gaming vigilant!

He couldn't release a lot of his content due to the automated YouTube restrictions which would false-flag and then auto-block his videos.

Which is fantastic for game publishers ironically!
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Yeah, I agree about Angry Joe...his YT stuff has all but vanished. I used to look forward to his videos on the big new games. He is always very fair in his reviews. Some of his twitch stuff has been just as good, but it isn't the same. His stream of trying to beat the last level on Rambo is hilarious though!
Barnacules Nerdgasm

This has to be the most surprising find in the entire thread for me. Each review is absolutely spot in both layout and technical knowledge.

He was laid off from Microsoft last week, after 15 years of service, but he's hoping to turn YouTube into a career now.
Birgirpall is the only one I've subscribed to. To be honest it all went downhill after the BF3 "operations".
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