Best youtubers to follow?

His review of Rambo is funny too. He almost gets as angry as with Ride To Hell: Retribution, which is easily the worst game ever made, and his destruction of it is priceless!

i can remember getting rambo myself and playing it so funny.tears down my face with laughter at the very first intro.couldnt even finish the game just laughing so much.

if you ever see it on offer you should buy it just for the comedy value :D
Best by far is gggmanlives go watch some of his videos and sub him.

You can thank me after.

I like his videos as well. I don't necessarily share the same sentiments as him, but I like the regularity and laid back content of his reviews, Sonny Jim. :D :)

Other ones that I like are: Rob Dyke, Total Biscuit, Ahoy, Black Pigeon, PC Persepective, Noah Caldwell-Gervais, Foxeo Games, Matt Chat...and last but not least, Gregster Reviews. :cool: Many others I've probably forgotten, too (such as KliksPhilip - even though I don't play CSGO).
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Use to actually enjoy pewdiepie, stopped watching for a while and recently checked back in. He hardly plays games now, just seems to stand at his pc talking and moving around! Weird
SovietWomble is one of my favourates at the moment, does it as a job but doesn't take it too seriously.

Most of his videos are just him and some friends messing about in games. Good laugh.
Currently enjoying a revival in strat games so have found quil18 very enjoyable for Civ and lionheartx10 for TW: Warhammer.

Christopherodd is a pretty popular one for more mainstream games.
Scott Manley for space stuff.
Northernlion for Binding of Isaac
Mathas for Binding of Isaac
Gameriot for general games.
Tyrannicon for Skyrim/Fallout
Draegast for Besiege/BeamNG.Drive
Gopher for Witcher 3
SpiersTheAmazingHD for BeamNG.Drive
Obsidian Ant for Elite Dangerous.

Those are the main ones.
I listen to plenty of mentioned YouTubers but one who hasn't been mentioned and is utterly superb is techmoan. Great look into retro tech mainly focused on audio.

Soviet Womble has become one of my favourite comedy gaming channels. Also watch his twitch stream regularly. I like that he uses patreon instead of getting partnered as he can't stand all the bull**** that goes along with that. Sick of these Youtube chanels that as soon as they become popular they whore themselves out to anyone and every video is sponsored.
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