bet365 boss pays herself £265 MILLION

No, I don’t get it fella. It’s just incoherent rambling.

Again it's not her, she's just a face of the vehicle, one with no positive quality, drugs can at least be social. (yes you can earn a bit of money, you could also earn it by being productive)

Money that is inconceivably removed from the lowest portions of society is pretty much permanently lost to them, making it more difficult, if not impossible for that area to ever improve without gentrification or improved education. If these folks didn't have this convenient addictive vehicle to spend what little they might have (possibly getting into gross amounts of debt, possibly to criminal's willing to make life miserable and ensure a violent cycle), they might indeed just spend it on a different one (fair argument), but there's the glorious chance they spend it on something a tad more useful to them or others. Now if loansharks and the like fine it relatively easy to slither around such folks, in an increasingly incohesive society that we seem to have nowadays over relatively incoherent arguments about economic/social views, then much more dangerous people can probably do so aswell, we know how easy it is to manipulate people... so this is practically a given future for some of these people.

Though there will always be people who will want to gamble, legally or otherwise, so maybe there is no point in restrictions, if all it would do is secure it in the hands of criminals, but then if that's the case then it's up to the government to provide better futures for them instead, rather than increasingly vapid politically motivated policies that push the truly in need of guidance towards nefarious purpose.

I just believe there are too many depreciative cycles in society at the moment, leading to more anxious and depressing circumstances that could all turn repressed anger into violent ends, it's rather clear from the increased suicide rates and increasingly vapid climate.
Again it's not her, she's just a face of the vehicle, one with no positive quality, drugs can at least be social. (yes you can earn a bit of money, you could also earn it by being productive)

Money that is inconceivably removed from the lowest portions of society is pretty much permanently lost to them, making it more difficult, if not impossible for that area to ever improve without gentrification or improved education. If these folks didn't have this convenient addictive vehicle to spend what little they might have (possibly getting into gross amounts of debt, possibly to criminal's willing to make life miserable and ensure a violent cycle), they might indeed just spend it on a different one (fair argument), but there's the glorious chance they spend it on something a tad more useful to them or others. Now if loansharks and the like fine it relatively easy to slither around such folks, in an increasingly incohesive society that we seem to have nowadays over relatively incoherent arguments about economic/social views, then much more dangerous people can probably do so aswell, we know how easy it is to manipulate people... so this is practically a given future for some of these people.

Though there will always be people who will want to gamble, legally or otherwise, so maybe there is no point in restrictions, if all it would do is secure it in the hands of criminals, but then if that's the case then it's up to the government to provide better futures for them instead, rather than increasingly vapid politically motivated policies that push the truly in need of guidance towards nefarious purpose.

I just believe there are too many depreciative cycles in society at the moment, leading to more anxious and depressing circumstances that could all turn repressed anger into violent ends, it's rather clear from the increased suicide rates and increasingly vapid climate.
I see what you’re getting at now.

But a point bought up in Question Time last night which I thought was interesting, was that a very large proportion of B365’s income actually comes from China. A country full of extremely rich, heavy gamblers. A country which also has banned online gambling.

Couldn’t the fact that so much of that Chinese money that comes into our country via B365, is pumped into the UK economy via taxes, be seen as a positive of B365’s operations?

This isn’t just exclusive to B365, but many of the online gambling companies. There must be a fortune getting pumped into the country from overseas gamblers. The US have banned it too.
You think it's morally acceptable for Chinese organised crime money to be "pumped into the country [UK]"?
It’s not, it’s gamblers money. The criminals are the bookies in China. Anyway, the country is stuffed full of crime money from around the world.
Scummy industry. Living on the misery of others. Every other advert you get on Sky is gambling. If it's not bingo it's football betting. All gambling advertising should be banned. thanks Labour for your deregulation.
Just wanted GD thoughts on this, is it a case of she earned it so why not? or should there be something in place to stop someone earning so much, i mean i can not think of a reason she can justify her salary, even if you took a 0 of the end and it was 26.5 million that is more money than most will earn in their lifetime.

I just wanted to quote the OP as I think there's 2 threads to this conversation, and the OP kicked off both albeit very briefly.

The first question would appear to be "can this woman justify such a large salary?" - most people would initially say yes, of course. What she's doing is legal, she's paying her taxes, she's worked incredibly hard and no doubt took a big risk and now she reaps the reward. If you can't take the profit from your business, then what's the point?

The above is a very simplistic conclusion, and you can only reach it in this particular case if you refuse to think about it beyond the surface. You can't list all the positive factors that have contributed to her wealth without dealing with the sinister factors. Whilst hard graft and risk have been factors, there's no doubt that without a gambling epidemic to feed her business then her hard work would not have made her quite so wealthy. These gaming companies do not simply exist to skim the spoils from a pre existing social issue - they have nurtured it, they have been instrumental in it's metamorphosis through the digital age. They have made every sporting event synonymous with gambling and worst of all they have started to indoctrinate children into a lifetime of misery. This is not just horse racing and football, it's being introduced anywhere they can take it - online casinos, game show phone-in competition, loot boxes, micro transaction, online bingo, online poker...

The whole gaming industry is being marketed and normalised into our society like never before. It's evolved much faster than the legislation that has always been there to protect the vulnerable from these heartless, shameless blood suckers. It takes much, much more than hard work for this lady to become so fantastically wealthy. Her success is primarily dependant on a foundation of shameless exploitation.
You can apply that logic to pretty much any industry though, and thus to literally any person who has become wealthy. They're not creating wealth, they're gathering it from other people. Jeff Bezos, under that logic, has nutured the prexisting social issue of consumerism and worst of all has started to indoctrinate children into a lifetime of misery through adverts for christmas and cheap deals. Carlos Slim has nurtured the prexisting social issue of instant gratification through communication and worst of all has started to indoctrinate children into a lifetime of misery through the use of mobile data and access to facetime and mobile games that require internet through the handsets he sells. Mark Zuckerberg has nutured the prexisting social issue of wanting to spy on people you went to school with and see their bikini holiday photos and worst of all has started to indoctrinate children into a lifetime of misery through normalisation of oversharing on a social platform.

And yes, all of those things might be true, but those are extreme examples of the worlds richest people. Where does it stop? For every big business owner with 6 0's in their salary you could very easily find a way that it's unfair on everyone else and built from sinister motives.

Hell, even charity managers are raking in the big bucks and it wouldnt take the example above to demonstrate whats happening there.
You can apply that logic to pretty much any industry though, and thus to literally any person who has become wealthy. They're not creating wealth, they're gathering it from other people. Jeff Bezos, under that logic, has nutured the prexisting social issue of consumerism and worst of all has started to indoctrinate children into a lifetime of misery through adverts for christmas and cheap deals. Carlos Slim has nurtured the prexisting social issue of instant gratification through communication and worst of all has started to indoctrinate children into a lifetime of misery through the use of mobile data and access to facetime and mobile games that require internet through the handsets he sells. Mark Zuckerberg has nutured the prexisting social issue of wanting to spy on people you went to school with and see their bikini holiday photos and worst of all has started to indoctrinate children into a lifetime of misery through normalisation of oversharing on a social platform.

And yes, all of those things might be true, but those are extreme examples of the worlds richest people. Where does it stop? For every big business owner with 6 0's in their salary you could very easily find a way that it's unfair on everyone else and built from sinister motives.

Hell, even charity managers are raking in the big bucks and it wouldnt take the example above to demonstrate whats happening there.

Someone creating a product to sell is vastly superior (even if it's via slave labour, it's still better) to abusing someones addiction... and you can't compare wasting money on a probability chance of winning a bit back to buying toilet roll/lightbulbs or whatever off of amazon...

While Facebook is pretty damaging, i still think it has value in it's ease of communication and i don't really know what Carlos Slim does...
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Someone creating a product to sell is vastly superior (even if it's via slave labour, it's still better) to abusing someones addiction... and you can't compare wasting money on a probability chance of winning a bit back to buying toilet roll/lightbulbs or whatever off of amazon...


It's a filthy industry.

Deposit £100 and get £300 to play with. Then the terms and conditions state that wagering is around 40 times total amount, again usually has to be wagered in a set amount of days (7days from what I've read)

300 x 40 = £12,000, to be gambled in 7 days max = £1,700+ PER DAY. You have to gamble £1.7k A DAY. Responsible gambling? I think not.

You just have to look at the "when the fun stops stop" and see the size of the word FUN compared to the other words. Trying to make it out that "gambling is fun, it's normal, it's what you should do"

Hate it with a passion.
you guys are 100% right, gambling should be banned and she should shut up shop, make thousands in Stoke unemployed and take her company to Monaco, let them have the gambling problem? Because that will fix everything right. The UK overnight will have no gambling problem, all these people will suddenly find themselves with more money and won’t do it illegally, problem will be cured overnight.

I vote yes to more unemployment !!! Who’s with me?


It's a filthy industry.

Deposit £100 and get £300 to play with. Then the terms and conditions state that wagering is around 40 times total amount, again usually has to be wagered in a set amount of days (7days from what I've read)

300 x 40 = £12,000, to be gambled in 7 days max = £1,700+ PER DAY. You have to gamble £1.7k A DAY. Responsible gambling? I think not.

You just have to look at the "when the fun stops stop" and see the size of the word FUN compared to the other words. Trying to make it out that "gambling is fun, it's normal, it's what you should do"

Hate it with a passion.

I wouldn’t know...I don’t gamble...but isn’t what you are saying is being an adult is about? Being responsible, self control and doing what is right on your own is a part of it. Do you need the government to tell you losing your car, your house for a bet is irresponsible?
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