Do you not understand how many people I have to see who are on the brink of suicide because they simply have no time to raise their children, no time to feed their family, they realise that when they die they will leave their children a beat up house which they only half own, for 75 years, any and all of their living life is sucked bone dry by the capitalist system and that greedy **** at the top so he can amass billions on the shoulders of his slaves. And some of these people are on 60K+. Some are on 100K and still not content because they've been brainwashed into never being able to be content.
And you think I voice my concerns because it's important to me??? That is such an upside down view it's almost laughable!
Heck if I was actually thinking about
me, and just
me, and I was a greedy money fuelled fiend then I would say **** it make more slaves make more people depressed, the more people who are depressed the more patients I get eh, keep em coming. (a lot of psychiatrists actually do this
especially those looking to commercialise things like transgendr etc.)
Just goes to show how people's thoughts are just upside down. No one has chosen this capitalist society lol, they are brainwashed into it from about 3 years old. They brainwash people into thinking certain things = success.
It's important to at least 80% of all the people who will ever live, the promise of money being their liberation, will NEVER occur. They will waste their one and only chance at life, stuck in a cycle of milking gold for a slave master.
And you think I'm thinking about me?
I'm actually thinking about 80% of anyone that will ever live!