US: Better Call Saul

seems some people prioritise getting their fixes of explosions, action and cliff hangers over good story line and acting

the 'haters' should probably watch the walking dead instead - rather tired, drawn out plot that they've dragged pointlessly over multiple seasons but plenty of the usual cliff hangers, action and random killings of the cast
I'm more than happy with just good story line, but you need to also include in that the pace of the story and to an extent the subject matter.
I don't think there is anything too wrong with the pace... if anything it is stuff like the walking dead that has a dragged out plot but keeps the audience tuning in with regular fixes of cliff hangers and random killings
WD is literally a story of being in a wasteland of nothing. The only real story was in first series of them travelling to the CDC and later the fake washington line possibly. I dont even find zombies plausible (especially in USA or canada, giant countries with big livestock reserves not a challenge to exist in peace especially) so its well done they even manage to make it what it is.

VG style is to draw out the finer details remember the BB episode all about catching 1 fly. Reminds me of one of the best books I ever read called, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
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seems some people prioritise getting their fixes of explosions, action and cliff hangers over good story line and acting

the 'haters' should probably watch the walking dead instead - rather tired, drawn out plot that they've dragged pointlessly over multiple seasons but plenty of the usual cliff hangers, action and random killings of the cast

Agree - to be honest if anyone really looks at BB, there were many episodes that although it was entertaining, not a huge amount happened as far as progress in the overall story-arch. As Silversurfer said, there was a BB episode about catching a fly for crying out loud and it's one of the more popular episodes!!!

BCS is a different animal and as such shouldn't be directly judged against BB. The writers clearly have a plan as to how many series this show will span and their plan is to get some good old fashioned character development going on - lets be honest, most BB fans would say Mike and Saul were two of the best characters in the whole show.

I thought it was a bit of a leap to have a show about Saul when I first heard about it but although it has been a slow burner, it's absolutely good telly and obviously they are building up for more in season 3+.

Also, why do they HAVE to have a cliffhanger at the end of a season? Just because everyone else does it? They have a ready-made audience in the BB fans who, although they know the ultimate destination of some of their favourite characters, don't have a clue how they got there, which of course is the whole premise of the show.

To me there was a cliff hanger with that recording and the note with Mike - it wasn't a 'how are they going to escape' but 'what on earth are they going to do next' as they are the sorts of characters that don't take being backed into a corner, kindly.
BB took its time with character development, but also upped the tension when it needed to. The only time we got that with BCS was with Mike, so Saul's storyline looked even blander in comparison. It also retread the same ground too much - Mike needs money for his grand-daughter so does something bad...then he needs more money so does something bad...

In season 1 Saul was going to join that firm, then he didn't...then he did...then he left. He was debating whether to have his brother committed in the hospital before but didn't, then they had the same scenario again at the end and he didn't again. His FWB won the big client for HHM...then won them for herself...then lost them...then got them back thanks to Saul.

The montages are also too long - season 1 had him and his buddy scamming people and the montage went on for ages, then season 2 had his FWB calling loads of contacts looking for a client for ages, Saul wearing different coloured suits and then Saul doctoring those documents went on for ages. Might seem small, but it's like putting the brakes on the episode.

I was hoping at the end of season 1 when he drove off in his car that was him becoming Saul Goodman, but then he just went back to a normal law firm.

And for the record I stopped watching TWD garbage at the beginning of season 5. Worst writing ever, couldn't take any more of it.
While I think BCS is still good. There is too much filler. Stuff that could be covered in half the time being dragged out.

It got to the end and I was breathing a sigh of relief everythine it switched to Mike.

And Chuck is just annoying the hell out of me.
Finished Season 2 today - Good season overall, The pacing felt on point for the most part and was actually a very entertaining season with lots of developments for all the main characters.

Looking forward to some decent escalation in season 3, as that's the way it seems to be heading and hope Gus is back for a decent portion of it.
Disappointed to read that Betsy Brandt (Marie) was almost in this season - that would have been hilarious.:p
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People should remember how slow seasons 1 and 2 of BB were.

Slight difference with BB. We didn't know where it was going with its different twist and turns. Will all know what the end game is for Saul.

That's a good point!

Have there been any more rumours of more breaking bad characters coming into this?

I am keen to find out what Saul got up to when he wasn't with Walter and Jesse
Isnt it set that Walter or Jesse will be in this at some point. I guess that would be the end surely.

The whole series is well done, not saying they need to go there. I could only imagine it'd be like the Lost where they meet but dont see each other and we dont want it to go like Lost :p
BB wasn't slow at all. They got into the meat of the show right away in the first episode. Although I like BCS, it is slow and I was hoping series two was going to kick off but it never did, at least not yet. I again have hopes for series three.
It's been bugging me for months where I've seen and heard Chuck before and it finally clicked.

He starred in an episode in Star Trek Voyager where he played the Clown in Thaw- Season 2.
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