Big Bike Thread

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I'd come riding tomorrow but need to get a couple of tyres fitted to my car so waiting till payday for that! :(

If the weathers good then I may ride to Rivington and up to Winter Hill. I rode to the reservoirs last week but didn't go up the pike.
Thinking of getting a Cylocross or some sort of Hybrid for commuting 32 miles a day.

Firstly, will I get burned at the stake for asking that in here :D

Secondly, can anyone point me toward anything else that's suitable for commuting that isn't a road bike :p Don't fancy commuting on my full suss :)

I custom built my X with a mix of road and MTB parts. It's an awesome bike.

Buy one! :D
My Camelbak Blowfish and Endura Stingrays turned up the other day. Wonderful pieces of kit they are! Very pleased. :)

Just a shame they're sat under the stairs waiting for use now! :p
Just stacked it on a ride :( Was going downhill on an unfamiliar road, saw a car coming round and realised the corner coming up was tighter than i thought - hit the rear brake and my back end lost it. Thankfully there was a friendly grass verge so I've escaped with some bruising/grazes, but I'm going to need a new rear wheel as it seems to be a bit screwed.

Any recommendations for road bike wheels? Guessing I might as well get a set, my current ones are Shimano RS20s. Budget < £500
Sorry to hear that. ( One reason I hate riding on the road - I'll happily hurtle towards rocks, but not cars and concrete :D )
You may have more of an answer in the Road Bike Thread:

haha, yeah I'm not the most experienced cyclist so i think i panicked a bit when I didn't need to - I could have just carried on going at the same speed but there we go!

Thanks for the tip anyway, i'll go and hassle the folk on there :)
Some more epic Highland scenery:



Did 20k with I guess about 400m of climbing. Awesome singletrack and a McMoab/Dalbeattie style descent. :cool:
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