Big Bike Thread

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Are personal attacks allowed when someone does something as daft as buying a Muddy Fox? :p

Seriously though, if you enjoy the bike that's all that matters :) For a bit of perspective, I've spent over 2k on my bike and I can't ride it due to putting my back out. Hottest day of the year and I've spent it lying on the floor. I'd love to be able to get out and ride ANY bike right now. :(
Absolutely nothing wrong with it as a bike to ride on. Obviously as the saying goes you get what you pay for so don't expect it to last riding over harsh terrain but its a hell of a lot better than normal supermarket bikes. Ignore any negativity and bike snobbery, if you enjoy it, thats all that matters.
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Quick question, going to be undertaking a project at some point, have been trying to gather info for a while, but I have one main obstacle, that is I need a frame stripped and resprayed.

However I also needs to check the overall health of it. The frame is probably going on 10 years +


It will be my daily commuter, I have the original fork as well. It is Reynolds 525 and doesn't look too bad, but I am no expert.

I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere in Greater Manchester that could :

A) Check out the overall health of the frame
B) Strip/de rust and re spray it.

Also any extra advice from you builders would be most appreciated, I might even try and do a blog on it :)

Building a bike from frame up will be a challenge I fear so I'll probably have a load of questions.

Edit : Oh it has also already drawn first blood from me :D I had to stand with one foot on the BB removal tool/spanner and whack it with a large wooden mallet to get it to unscrew, I missed at one point and crushed my little finger :(
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I'm no expert fellas and it seemed a decent bike for the wedge. No problems in riding it.

What's the crack with Muddy Fox then?

We've had a few pops at Muddy foxes of late, hence why we all jumped the bandwagon.

The fact is, it will do you fine to pootle about and get into it, which as Rob said... is a good thing and all you need right now. I personally would break most of the components very very quickly.

(going to paraphrase myself now a bit...)
There is nothing "wrong with them", but imagine buying a Sanyo Digicam, and walking into the the Photography sub section and asking how your camera is, because you got it at a discount.

Same goes for the gymrats, f you walk in asking how big your 6" guns look like, after you've been benchpressing 20kg's ;)
VaderDSL - I have a soft spot for restoration projects and that's such a nice frame to do it with. I know someone who would be able to do an amazing job at respraying it for you, buy you will have to post it to me/him.

He used to spraypaint high end cars/ fit decals kits on Porchés and so forth. Could send u some samples if you're keen.
Thank you for the offer :) It would all depend on cost really :( as is usually the case.

Not sure if it would be a travesty to have it a plain dark green colour with no decals, I have to ride through Salford you see :D

I'll definitely let you know once I've finished moving into the new flat :)

Grrr really getting annoyed with my bike now, ive been using it for some commuting but seem to get a puncture with every 2-3 trips I do.

Anything I could do to help avoid this happening as its costing more in new tubes than it would to just drive it.

Bike is Trek Remedy 8 (i know its more xc/dh) but its all i got :P
Let's hope it doesn't fall apart.

Thanks for the advice.

I doubt it will, but just keep in mind what price/quality components they are.

If you get to enjoying a bit of off road biking and start taking it on more and more demanding trails, just be aware of the strength limitations - it won't survive much of a drop I'd suspect - but that's great if you never drop off anything ;)

Would have posted last night but was too caned - got back late from Kirroughtree.

McMoab is awesome!!!!!

Wasn't too sure on the rest of the trails, bit of an unusual style but I road that bad boy twice, including the chute off the end - absolutely loving it, never ridden anything as technically hard, nor thoroughly enjoyable as that!

^ Not my video, but gives you a good idea of how hard it is if you've never been - I managed a little better than this, but was nowhere near doing it on a 'clean' run - would take me months of practice, and a squishy 140mm travel full sus is NOT the weapon of choice for this!
What tyres are they Mossy?
35 seems fine for them, I rarely run any more than 35ish in my 2.35's.
I assume you thoroughly checked the tyre after each puncture, and the rims? Any rim tape on the rims? What rims?
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