Big Bike Thread

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p4radox said:
Hmm I suppose that's something to consider. I'm already over budget at £325 to be honest but I might pop down to the local bike shop this weekend. Some free kit would be very nice indeed. :)

Did you just quote the online price and they bettered it? How did you persuade them? :p

TBH, i didn't want to spend over £300, but then for £300 you're looking at cheap components, so i decided i may stretch to £370 for the terrago and had a look at it, but i wasn't sold purely on looks, then i saw the GT, sat on it and had a quick test and decided i HAD to get that one :D, they do the GT avalanche 3.0 which is ~ £275 but that has cable discs instead of hydro and also has a cheaper shimano alivia gear setup and the forks a different too i think. Anyway, i simply went in and said i like this bike, but i can get the Giant terrago - which retails for £425 for £370, and that has 27 speed over the GT's 24, what's the lowest price you can do on this?, he went and looked in a book anf hummed and arghed, then he said he couldn't go lower than £380, the way i see it, it's an extra £50 for much better quality, and it'll hold it's value better too because it has quality components on it.
wez130 said:
TBH, i didn't want to spend over £300, but then for £300 you're looking at cheap components, so i decided i may stretch to £370 for the terrago and had a look at it, but i wasn't sold purely on looks, then i saw the GT, sat on it and had a quick test and decided i HAD to get that one :D, they do the GT avalanche 3.0 which is ~ £275 but that has cable discs instead of hydro and also has a cheaper shimano alivia gear setup and the forks a different too i think. Anyway, i simply went in and said i like this bike, but i can get the Giant terrago - which retails for £425 for £370, and that has 27 speed over the GT's 24, what's the lowest price you can do on this?, he went and looked in a book anf hummed and arghed, then he said he couldn't go lower than £380, the way i see it, it's an extra £50 for much better quality, and it'll hold it's value better too because it has quality components on it.

Awesome. I shall definitely give the GT a look, and I'll also try my hand at bartering. Cheers. :)
SpudMaster said:
avids, what type of riding do you do?

im an XC rider, dont know a lot about avids a friend had a set of hope minis which i have tried. i currently have some magura caliper stylee, what Avids would you recommend? how do they compare price wise to hopes?

Just a quick question for you guys.

Are Tubeless tyre's any good at all?

Ive been looking around for some new tyre's around £25 each, came across some tyre's that seem ok but you can get tubeless less ones for £5 more than the normal ones, are they much heavier?

wez130 said:
put a deposit on my GT avalanche 2.0 on saturday, whilst i was there, they had some specialized locks on offer reduced from £27 to £16, they have a kevlar core, so i bought one on a whim as there only 3 left.

it's this one here.

My bike will be kept in the house, not in the garage etc so will that lock be alright for day-to day riding? will i get any better for £16 :D

I do intend on getting a more secure lock eventually mind.

On another note, can't wait to get hold of my bike :D

I don't go anywhere without at least three locks for my GT Avalanche 1.0 - 2 x D-Lock and 1 x Rope Lock. I'd be devastated if she got stolen.

Thankfully she is fully insured by Direct Line now. Although they have listed my wifes bike as a GP Avalanche 2.0, when it's a GT and a 3.0 not 2.0!!

Better let them know.

GT Rule!
Anybody else here able to tell me how soft avid brakes feel? Had a right **** in work tonight moaning because the juicy 3s on his P7 feel crap. I told him the truth that we couldnt bleed them any better without using the bleed kit......which he has written on the complaint im gonna get moaned at for telling customers we dont have the correct tools :)

Finally got my bar and stem on my own bike,thank **** i have enough steerer tube and they just fit :D Can now mount my brakes levers,shifter and grips.....and bar ends :D

Those GT bikes are no bad,had the pleasure of working on an avalanche 2 tonight. Had a top normal rear mech which was confusing to set up with me being used to normal mechs. Also had tektro hydraulic brakes that where quite good.
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ichabod crane said:
im an XC rider, dont know a lot about avids a friend had a set of hope minis which i have tried. i currently have some magura caliper stylee, what Avids would you recommend? how do they compare price wise to hopes?


Well ive only heard good things about Avid brakes. Personally ive only used the Codes myself, went from Hope 6 pots to the Codes and they are much superior in every respect, more power, nicer leaver feel and excellent modulation. Though i wouldnt recommend them for xc. For the same price as a Hope Mini you could get the Avid Juicy 7 which i would say is the better brake :) both are £110 on Chainreaction

Bennah said:
Just a quick question for you guys.

Are Tubeless tyre's any good at all?

Ive been looking around for some new tyre's around £25 each, came across some tyre's that seem ok but you can get tubeless less ones for £5 more than the normal ones, are they much heavier?


If u get tubeless tyres only tend to be a bit heavier due to them often having thicker sidewalls. The weight gained isnt a great deal and you loose the weight from the tube. Also no more pinch flats and can run much lower pressures :) You do need tubeless rims or to buy a tubeless kits.
Ive been running tubeless on mavic 823 rims and michelin comp16's for about 12 years, love it :D
Jonny ///M said:
Anybody else here able to tell me how soft avid brakes feel? Had a right **** in work tonight moaning because the juicy 3s on his P7 feel crap. I told him the truth that we couldnt bleed them any better without using the bleed kit......which he has written on the complaint im gonna get moaned at for telling customers we dont have the correct tools :)

Finally got my bar and stem on my own bike,thank **** i have enough steerer tube and they just fit :D Can now mount my brakes levers,shifter and grips.....and bar ends :D

Those GT bikes are no bad,had the pleasure of working on an avalanche 2 tonight. Had a top normal rear mech which was confusing to set up with me being used to normal mechs. Also had tektro hydraulic brakes that where quite good.

Was it a 2007 GT Avalanche 1.0 Disc? They gave the 2007 better brakes (my 2006 has Hayes Soles and they suck - big time) but the forks are far better and I prefer the white and red colour over the black.

Only complaint I have is the Rapid Rise shifters confuse the hell out of me when I change bikes... why are they the wrong way round?
LordSplodge said:
Was it a 2007 GT Avalanche 1.0 Disc? They gave the 2007 better brakes (my 2006 has Hayes Soles and they suck - big time) but the forks are far better and I prefer the white and red colour over the black.

Only complaint I have is the Rapid Rise shifters confuse the hell out of me when I change bikes... why are they the wrong way round?

Rapid rise,shimanos solution to a problem that never existed!

I prefer to shift up blocks at a time in a when i hit a hill! Shifting down doesnt need to be fast!

Anyway heres the cockpit of my bike.....crap phone = crap camera.


oh rear shot aswell.




It is actually my old bar and stem....but i dont have the funds to buy a new one so they will do for now.

The drop crown is brand new....i got bent over for the price of that damn thing!!!!!!!!!!
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Finished building the new road bike this evening and it's one mean looking soab.

In more continued good news my new full squish MTB frame finally shipped from the supplier 10 weeks after I ordered it. I wasn't expecting it for another month after a manufacturer/supplier cockup \o/
Jonny ///M said:
Anybody else here able to tell me how soft avid brakes feel? Had a right **** in work tonight moaning because the juicy 3s on his P7 feel crap.
I have Juicy 3's and the brake lever is soft until it's pulled 1/3 into its travel - it's been like this since new.
I actually prefer it like this as it gives me more control, if they were solid straight away it would be impossible to brake without locking the wheels and going flying over the handle bars.
Jonny ///M said:
Rapid rise,shimanos solution to a problem that never existed!

I prefer to shift up blocks at a time in a when i hit a hill! Shifting down doesnt need to be fast!

Anyway heres the cockpit of my bike.....crap phone = crap camera.

I don't really need to shift down in a hurry although I sometimes do when going down a hill, but only because the bike has Rapid Rise. When getting ready for a climb I would have selected the right gear before I start.

Why did they put the shifters the wrong way round? That's the only real gripe I have as I do ride other bikes and my brain keeps getting confused. P'ah

Oh and what hydrolic brake would you recommend to replace my Hayes Sole. They are going in the shop to be looked at (again) and have been nothing but pap front day one. I don't need downhill levels of stopping power, just reliable good stopping power and that isn't what I get from the Soles!
LordSplodge said:
I don't really need to shift down in a hurry although I sometimes do when going down a hill, but only because the bike has Rapid Rise. When getting ready for a climb I would have selected the right gear before I start.

Why did they put the shifters the wrong way round? That's the only real gripe I have as I do ride other bikes and my brain keeps getting confused. P'ah

Oh and what hydrolic brake would you recommend to replace my Hayes Sole. They are going in the shop to be looked at (again) and have been nothing but pap front day one. I don't need downhill levels of stopping power, just reliable good stopping power and that isn't what I get from the Soles!

Hope Mono 4? Juicy 7's ?
LordSplodge said:
I don't really need to shift down in a hurry although I sometimes do when going down a hill, but only because the bike has Rapid Rise. When getting ready for a climb I would have selected the right gear before I start.

Why did they put the shifters the wrong way round? That's the only real gripe I have as I do ride other bikes and my brain keeps getting confused. P'ah

Oh and what hydrolic brake would you recommend to replace my Hayes Sole. They are going in the shop to be looked at (again) and have been nothing but pap front day one. I don't need downhill levels of stopping power, just reliable good stopping power and that isn't what I get from the Soles!

Its strange to me aswell. Was checking the gears over and went to shift down the block.....shifter was solid....i was like uh oh.....then said WTF to my workmate. I didnt know shimano did deore is rapidrise.

Any >£60 hydraulic brake should be better than a bloody hayes sole any day of the week.

I personally like the feel of shimano brakes.....hayes have power but feel wooden ,avids are spongy as **** and hope are a happy medium but seem to be inconsistant,well the older ones anyway.

Chucked what i have of my bike sofar onto some scales........first reading was 15kg.....second was 14.5kg or so. All i need now is a front wheel,seatpost + seat and some pedals.

Hopefully want to keep it below 20kgs! i dont want a bike the weight of a shockwave xt950 :(
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Jonny ///M said:
Hopefully want to keep it below 20kgs! i dont want a bike the weight of a shockwave xt950 :(

My step son had a Shockwave and it weighed more than a black hole. It got stolen, but I am confused as to how the thief managed to lift it! :D

One of the atractions of the Avalanche 1.0 Disc when i got it was the brakes as my other two choices had V's and mechanical discs, however given how bad the Soles are I don't think I would have missed not having them. The Shimano V's on my wifes Avalanche 3.0 are a lot better. I have almost gone over the bars a few times when on it.

I will have a look around and see what I can get...looks like anohter treat for my baby (my bike is so pampered it hurts - my wallet!!! :D )
Do you really need to save a few grams ? The extra cost is £50 over the Juicy 7's

Weight :
Juicy 7 : 420g
Carbon : 411g
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