Big Bike Thread

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Today, I ventured into servicing suspension.

I bought some rockshox psylo and a handsomedog Talisman frame (1.9kg steel frame) off ebay a few weeks ago to upgrade my bike and only just got round to playing around with them.

Upon inspection, the oil is black and the viscocity was a bit like water. The dust wipers are also leaking slightly. So time for a service. I took them to my LBS but they don't do suspension servicing and also strongly recommended me to get a professional to do it for me.

I then read the servicing manual and it doesn't look too bad, and it'll only cost £20 in parts instead of ~£70 if I get someone to do it for me. I also thought it can't be any harder then rebuilding an engine.

First I drained the oil from the forks:

Not good, looks like the oil is as old as the forks and I probably need new o-rings as well (another £20 :( ).

With the forks completely striped and cleaned:

Surprisingly, the o-rings are like new when I took a close look, these forks probably spent most of its life in the garage and probably the reason for the lack of servicing.

When I looked for replacement dust wipers, I thought I might as well get Enduro ones from America as OEM ones cost the same even with the shipping cost taken into account.

After a couple of hours, and fork oil everywhere in my room, the forks are back together, working better than ever.

Do suspension servicing yourselves, it's not that hard
Rolson circlip plyers are cheap and nasty
Wear safety glasses as you will spray oil into your face at some point

Now, can't wait to swap the parts from my old bike then going for a ride in Swinley Forest on Saturday :)
Fork servicing is easy, just make sure you've got the right tools, right oil, read the service manual and take your time. Same as any other bike part really.

The only thing I've not yet done mechanically with a bike is build wheels from scratch, but I can happily true my wheels and check tension.
Anyone fancy a brand-spanking large Pace RC303 in black for £350? Friend's LBS has one for sale and for some reason are having trouble shifting it.

EDIT: Might have it myself...
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I'm having trouble with my rear derailleur, I can get it to go either up or down the gear's perfect but not both, When going in the problem direction I press trigger nothing will happen press again it will go on to the next sprocket then all the way till I get to the 2nd to last which it will just skip and go on to the last.

btw posting at work, been a fire in one of the fuse box's and being sent home so the can turn all the electricity off and do whatever and told not to bother tomorrow WooHoo 3 day weekend :)
Does this count as a bike pic? Unfortunately its the only one I have of (whats left of) my bike!


Im goin through the process of insurance at the mo, so i'll have some better pics of the full bike soon!
Contrary to what you may think, bike thiefs are all determined and know what an expensive bike looks like!

Don't take your pride and joy out for commuting! :eek:

Hope insurance goes well for you.
What do you mean? It was locked in front of a busy gym in the middle of the day, so the chances of this happening (i thought) were pretty slim, but I guess there are some prettys determined ****s out there!
As in leaving a Scott Ransom locked where it could easily be stolen? Bike thieves will happily take £100 bikes, your forks alone were worth more than that :o.
I always use 2 locks these days. Solid D lock through the frame and rear wheel, and then a cable through the front wheel.

^Quite crafty of them to take the entire front fork though.:)
I always use 2 locks these days. Solid D lock through the frame and rear wheel, and then a cable through the front wheel.

^Quite crafty of them to take the entire front fork though.:)

+ 1.

Infact I also put padlocks through the front derailer chain guide and around a spoke of the rear wheel and the chain. All in an effort to make maximum bother for thieves.
Let's face it don't matter how many locks you use any good bike has expensive parts that can be stolen with a few small tools. I'm surprised they didn't take your brake levers and calipers as well.

when I was in France I would often see groups of expensive road bikes left unlocked and unattended, just thought to myself i would never ever leave my proper bike even locked up. Put this down to experience and use a £40 tesco bike for day to day, it's does make me mad this sort of stuff because you shouldn't have to anyway good look with insurance.
I always use 2 locks these days. Solid D lock through the frame and rear wheel, and then a cable through the front wheel.

^Quite crafty of them to take the entire front fork though.:)

My mate lost his exactly the same way :(Just cut cables and savaged the forks... He's totally paranoid about leaving it anywhere for 10 seconds now :p.

When i lock my bike up i D-lock frame and back wheel and lock the forks, front wheel and seat (and maybe helmet) with a twisty specialized lock which isn't great but not *easy* to get in with an allen key unlike forks... Generally don't have anything like lights/computer/whatever on it. I can't think of anyone who would be determined enough out in the open to fart around to steal just my levers or shifters? Actually come to think of it, i'm worried about my pedals now :D Never thought of those before!

//Edit: Oh i'm playing the waiting game still too, hoped to take my bike out this weekend :(:(:(
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