Big Bike Thread

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With a few changes now :) Still need to get the read hub gears cabcled up, but with the flat bars and modern lever its a lot nicer to ride, and doesn't depart too much from the original kind of look. Have a Brooks sadle in a box here somewhere to go on, then should be a smart bike for about town. With a bit of a im-cheap-dont-steal-me look to it!
i just got one of these scott aspect 20 2008 or reflex they seemed to be confused on the name, says aspect on the scott homepage but the bike says reflex 20 got a good deal on it saved £120 on list price

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A couple of weekends ago I went to Swinley Forest for the first time, which was also my first time on single track. The only time before that that my bike saw off-road was a leisurely ride through Epping.

From my limited experience, I soon realised that I need better pedals, and shin guards! My feet kept slipping off, the standard pedals that came with my bike sucks donkey. I ordered my pads and Pedals during the week, Pedals got delivered and I missed my delivery for pads on Thursday.
No problem I though, gonna wake up early on Frday and go pick it up before work. Got there, and the posty hasn't brought it back to the depot... grrr
Not massive issue, more of an annoyyance coz I can always come back on Saturday to go and pick it up... because SURELY it will be there by then??!!

Got there Sat morning - sorry, items not been brought back yet... GRRRRR!!!
Peeved off at this, but it's a lovely sunny day and I have my new pedals, so I get over it soon. Get to the lookout point at Swinley, and I could not for the life of me get my old ones off! I tried literally with all the power I possess and when my mates pitched up... also no one could physically budge it! (yes we know how to put pedals on, mine just doesnt have alan key bit at the back :( )

The result of rubbish pedals slipping and hitting you on the SHIN I present to you




Foot slipped off on jumps 3 times, my ankles are both swolen and I can't walk at the moment :( It doesn't look too bad on the pics, but it hirts like a female dog. To top it all off, on our way back later, my chain snapped :(

At least before all of this, I got a couple of nice pics in, by my standards at least :)

Bare in mind this was only my second time, not too bad? (all these were landed just fine :P )


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I did something similar in the wet, foot slipped off peddle and I went over the handle bars.

My Chin (caution blood) took a hit, got up walked a round a bit then carried on untill i looked down saw the frame of my bike covered in blood. Had seven stitches in total and now I use shimano SPD.

Well I finally recived all my kit after CRC ran out of the pedals, ive just fitted everything and tried clipping the shoes in and now I cant get them out of the peddals :( I tried twisting and pulling but they wouldnt budge so ive taken the pedals off the bike with the shoes still attached and tried every sort of twisting and pulling but they still wont budge :o.
Anyone got any tips?
Why are you wearing a jacket?

Coz it was cold :P

Awww Bless :p. Now get some triple traps and do it properly :D.

I said it hurts worse than it looks :D
I fitted the new pedals today (bought a new wrench with better torque and managed to get it loose)

Plus... only my second time out... not too bad i think :D!
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twist your heel away from the bike, it's a lot easier to use your leg than hands. You'll probably want to loose the springs for next time :D.

I may try reattaching the buggers after dinner then and go nuts :D and yea I did think afterwards I should have just tried one then loosend the other but i was too kean :(
Does anyone else have any embarrassing memories of when they started to use clipless pedals. I remember when I first started to use SPD's I ended up falling off my bike at a quiet junction, with a van load of workmen laughing at me. I had slowed too much and just couldn't un-clip. I was down on the floor, still attached with both feet, waving my bike in the air, and ******* myself with laughter.
To be fair the guys in my local bike shop had warned me that this type of thing had happened to most of them!
Been up Moelfre this weekend. Built a new track and run the old one for a bit. Managed 17 runs today! Bike is seriously worn now. Need new shock bushes, wheel bearings and managed to break my 50/50 pedals! :( Foot came off my pedal when giving it some and i hit my knee on my forks... Can barely walk now lol!
Does anyone else have any embarrassing memories of when they started to use clipless pedals. I remember when I first started to use SPD's I ended up falling off my bike at a quiet junction, with a van load of workmen laughing at me. I had slowed too much and just couldn't un-clip. I was down on the floor, still attached with both feet, waving my bike in the air, and ******* myself with laughter.
To be fair the guys in my local bike shop had warned me that this type of thing had happened to most of them!

Im sure il be back once ive finally sorted them out with some good embarassing stories for everyone :p
I'm so so jealous. Kate (other half) has gone and bought one of these today! :o

Marin Juniper Trail. And she got it for £500.00 which I though was quite reasonable from the local bike shop. I't very light and the forks are really plush. Nice finishing kit too...

Makes my hardrock look like a bag of **** now! :(

Must... resist... new... bike...
Anybody know a good place for a respray? Just checked the price of argos cycles and tbh i would expect a full blown 6 girl + me orgy for that sort of money!

I'm thinking just plane black all over with white decals. Or a nice red with white rear end.
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