I use to cycle to college on a heavy saracen MTB, 10 miles there and 14 miles back so you should have just got something cheap, but then again you mention steep climbs so a roadie might be good, how steep are the climbs? On my commute I used to have about 1 11 or 12% climb. not very long and maybe a 10% drag, the 10% I was going up at like 10-14mph on my old MTB now on the roadie I get like 20-25mph up it so quite a difference, before the drag is abit you go down so does boost speed quite abit . I'm guessing you wil be even faster since your bike is lighter and just better all around than mine.
Soon my commute will be a very small and flat 3.2miles each way, but I've got cars and multiple lane roads to deal with.
Soon my commute will be a very small and flat 3.2miles each way, but I've got cars and multiple lane roads to deal with.
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