Big Bike Thread

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It's a very different challenge riding XC on a SS bike. Particularly when it's that icy as you've no granny gear to sit and spin.

You need to preserve your momentum to make it up the hills, standing to hammer up them using a lot of upper body. I'd not ridden that bike for a long time, the next day I could feel it in my quads, glutes and shoulders, whereas on my FS geared bike I wouldn't have noticed anything post ride.
Nah, the difference is more like 40g. Comparing like with like, triple with triple, at least.

The thing with singlespeed is that you can just not change gears with a geared bike and do the same ;) I could deal with it for most riding I think- I'm a middle ring masher anyway- but I'd hate not being geared high enough to pedal the fast bits without spinning like Lance, I reckon.

Maybe with a Hammerschmidt crank it'd be more tempting, I do like the idea of never killing another rear mech!
Two more days! been told it should arrive via Hometech by 2pm.......knowing my luck it wont show up!

Apparently they have to set up the shock, fork, ride position and run through the "features" of the bike for you as its the only way Trek allow mail order, lol daft. Really hope they don't insist on doing that, I'd rather do it myself :)

Two more days! been told it should arrive via Hometech by 2pm.......knowing my luck it wont show up!

Apparently they have to set up the shock, fork, ride position and run through the "features" of the bike for you as its the only way Trek allow mail order, lol daft. Really hope they don't insist on doing that, I'd rather do it myself :)


Where did you order it from?
I get the feeling going to be quite a few pics of new bikes over the next few weeks, so long as sup3rc0w hasn’t just condemned us all to an eternity of waiting:p
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