Big Bike Thread

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picked this up from a m8 at work for a tenner :D Giro Remedy CF


I wont be using it much as im mostly into XC but ive been invited out to a few DH days :(
but for a £10 spot i couldn't refuse :p
One of you with a hair dryer on the frame tube, and the other twisting the seat and post!

I wish it were that easy :p

Pretty much shagged a saddle and the seatpost clamp has definitely seen better days with the amount of force I was putting through it.

Now trying coke as oil or ammonia haven't worked. Next step is the laborious hacksaw blade...
I wish it were that easy :p

Pretty much shagged a saddle and the seatpost clamp has definitely seen better days with the amount of force I was putting through it.

Now trying coke as oil or ammonia haven't worked. Next step is the laborious hacksaw blade...

Only thing I have head work without destroying the post! If you dont plan on keeping the post its a cutting job.
Post is already trashed from me trying to twist it out, the saddle rail mount is buggered. All of this is still easier than trying to cut the bugger out. Not sure how long the seatpost is or whether it's carbon or carbon wrap...
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