What did you have before? Flats? Clipless will make a huge differenceNew shoes and pedalsSO much easier to ride decent distances now.
Post is already trashed from me trying to twist it out, the saddle rail mount is buggered. All of this is still easier than trying to cut the bugger out. Not sure how long the seatpost is or whether it's carbon or carbon wrap...
Is it aluminium inside the carbon wrap?
Could try an air spray inside the seatpost (or deoderant if you dont have 1) anything to cool the seatpost as much as you can so it will contract and hopefully come out. Kind of the opposite of the hairdrier on the outside of the frame.
Haha, feet off the pedals in mid air, nasty landing coming up?In third place... the chap who looked like his parents are related.
In first place... who completely cracked me up
Body armour, backpack with water and expensive bike... no lid... brilliant!
I've been running Egg Beater SL's on my AM bike and standard EB Chrome on my XC bike; both for two years now. They are sweet pedals; excellent mud clearing, very light weight and still running on the original bearings.I seem to get them messy so thinking the egg beaters etc. might be worth a look if anyone has any experience with them?