I know what you mean, the main folk are decent enough it's the rest that i find kiddish.
Funny enough they had a thread recently knocking stw about a for sale thread and how their humour is too low brow hmm least they have humour was my gut thought.
Didn't know they tied all the reviews together like that, so the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing hmm interesting.
It's only the forum layout that keeps me from stw, i love their humour, twisted and warped bit like here i suppose which i find great, the minute they sort out the layout im there in a flash, i just find it too hard to keep up with the threads all lumped together i only really posted as i was one of the lucky three to get a troutlight when it first made a showing.
But like you say br is boring, same old threads by the same old people, and anyone that stands out gets labelled and sometimes banned, kinda sucks tbh.
What i find is forums rarely contain what i call 'real' bikers, you know the performance orientated not the sunday jaunt after a roast dinner variety that you usually get, the top bunch stay unusually quiet, busy with riding and other things i suppose.