Big Bike Thread

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Im also over that area most weekends, I know quite lot of people from the area to so im in no way "making it up" either. Its common knowledge the area around Cwmcarn is rough and there have been plenty of bike thefts from people I know or know of..
Im also over that area most weekends, I know quite lot of people from the area to so im in no way "making it up" either. Its common knowledge the area around Cwmcarn is rough and there have been plenty of bike thefts from people I know or know of..

Some of my family live in that general area and I can vouch for Crankbro when he says it's rough - cos it is!
I've not done any of the Cwmcarn downhill stuff, been once to the XC trail, the last decent was good fun but found it too short to warrant another day out to get there. Afan is a better option IMHO (more trails, longer).
Me half way up the lip for the hip jump at Taff Buggy RD 1

Nice pic :)
.. No Glove no Love - no Armani no Punani! [/toilet atendant off]

<<-- Doesn't understand the dumb mentality of not wearing gloves, especially while riding DH or FR.

Each to their own. Saw loads of people out in France with no gloves and a few of the local kids on "my hill" do it during summer.
Personally wouldnt be able to do it as my hands get too sweaty and will slip off the grip!
Only just remembered I've not actually posted a pic of my bike on here before :rolleyes:

Malt 4 with Reba Teams, Mavic 717, SLX kit.

Also been improving my fitness with this, :p

It wasn't fun with this tyre on so I've now got a proper TT one. :D
Anyone have any opinions of Brechfa? Im going on Sunday.

Oh my days, i went there couple of months back. Done the Black and the Red run. Some amazing parts on both routes, however i found the Black run lacking in some places, dont get me wrong some parts are really really good, but other parts are long drawn out and flat!

You wont be disapointed though! Definately one of my favourite trail centres ive ridden! Hope you have fun :D
Did the Red at Brechfa last year. Nice trail. Plan on doing the Black in a few weeks time if I don't break anything at Cwmdown the day before...or my bike gets nicked. :(
I think thats the general rule for a vast majority of Black runs, they're fun (and sometime scary if i'm honest :D) but very drawn out and hard - which is fine if you like that kinda thing - but I almost always prefer the Red run at any mountain biking place because they are both challenging and fun without the arduousness inbetween ;).
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