Big Bike Thread

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Phnom_Penh said:
Could? you don't put bar ends on a riser tbh.

Ok it doesn't look great but does wonders for confort on long rides as it lets you stretch out and alter your hand position. I've got them on mine and riding without them just feels odd now.
Gribs said:
Ok it doesn't look great but does wonders for confort on long rides as it lets you stretch out and alter your hand position. I've got them on mine and riding without them just feels odd now.
The unwritten rule is essentially this, you can have them on a flat bar, but not on a rise. Do you have a riser or s flat bar?
My second Cateye light arrived from the states today. I got the next model up from mine HL 530, it says its 1500+ candle power whereas my HL 500 is 1000+ candle power. Should come in handy for the coming winter months.

I got it from Geargirl on ebay for £26.80 inc delivery and didnt get hit with any tax or import duty :) .


Ive just put both on my bike at the moment to see how bright they both are together. I will be fitting the 500 to my old bike that my brother now rides.
I found this site for lights. ATV lights with mountain bike fittings. A heck of a lot more powerful than say the Hope Light for a lot less money even if one would get stung on Duty etc...
Mark A said:
My second Cateye light arrived from the states today. I got the next model up from mine HL 530, it says its 1500+ candle power whereas my HL 500 is 1000+ candle power. Should come in handy for the coming winter months.

I got it from Geargirl on ebay for £26.80 inc delivery and didnt get hit with any tax or import duty :) .


Ive just put both on my bike at the moment to see how bright they both are together. I will be fitting the 500 to my old bike that my brother now rides.

I have two of those, for unlit roads they're not enough.. If you're riding in the pitch black you need something more, 10W halogen should be sufficient.
I dont really ride on unlit roads at night. The 530 seems very bright, easilly as bright as a headlight on a car. Ive just tested them now, my garden is 30 meters long and it lights the whole garden up to the end, thats with just one on, with both it makes lights it up better but also lights the surrounding area more.
Mark A said:
My second Cateye light arrived from the states today. I got the next model up from mine HL 530, it says its 1500+ candle power whereas my HL 500 is 1000+ candle power. Should come in handy for the coming winter months.

I got it from Geargirl on ebay for £26.80 inc delivery and didnt get hit with any tax or import duty :) .
You sure that's the username, Just been looking searching eBay and the user Geargirl last activity was July 2003.
Westyfield2 said:

Anyone know the US equivalents of Chain Reaction Cycles etc.
The only problem with buying from a US company is that if its over $16 IIRC you will get charged tax and import duty. US company's have to put the correct price of the item on the package so customs will charge you accordingly. The total value of my bike light according to the label on the jiffy bag is $10 ;) .
Mark A - chav :p

nice lights though. I was thinking of getting some sub £100< lights for my ride to work for the next coming months.. havn't really looked into it much though but i do like the look of those. Had any problems so far?
Phnom_Penh said:
The unwritten rule is essentially this, you can have them on a flat bar, but not on a rise. Do you have a riser or s flat bar?

I run them on a riser. I'd use a straight bar (stronger and lighter) but it's difficult to find decent wide ones. I don't get the fad for risers as as far as I can see they don't offer any benefits over a similar sized straight bar and slightly higher rise stem.
Riser's bars look better. Simple as!

Riser's and bar end's just look wrong! If risers were a fad then we would have all gone back to flat bars years ago! Do you wear lycra and baggies too?

Will find any bike part your after in the USA online store or ebay

Rise there are tons, fact i run some carbon fiber 30'' wide ones on my trials bike, 14ft drops, only twisted and bent some, never snapped and they were 3 years old

Bar ends are wrong, flat bars for xc with them yes but females only!! There ment for the lowering of the brest!

Rise bars aka Easton EA50/70 for Xc, dual, DH is perfect. What i run on my LTS
Risers offer a more customisable riding position, hence the "fad". They are better than flats in general, however, a perfect stem, with your ideal rise and length allows the use of flats, resulting in a good position and minimal weight. With risers, you can fine tune your postion on the bike if your stem isn't perfect. Weight will be sacraficed, if you count 100g as weight.
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